/ The best stroller. Comparative characteristics

The best stroller. Comparative characteristics

Immediately after the birth of a child, one of the mainproblems becomes the choice of a baby stroller. At first, the baby does not react very actively to what is happening around him and spends most of his time in a dream. Especially for this wonderful period, manufacturers of children's products came up with a cradle-cradle. But six months later the situation changes dramatically, during the walks the child no longer wants to lie, and he tries to sit down and see what is happening around him. The best stroller is designed for children from 6 months and should be:

- convenient for the child, since he has to stay in one position for a long time;

- strong, its service life from 2.5 to 3 years, taking into account the growth and weight of the child;

- safe, because the most important thing is the health of the child;

- easy to use: most mom has to walk alone with her child and go shopping.

In the struggle for the consumer manufacturersequip their products with various functions and additions. For example, more than 100 brands competed for the title "best stroller of 2012". At the same time, not only the main and additional characteristics were taken into account, but also the price component. The winner was a stroller from Polish manufacturer Bebetto.

best stroller

In general, if we consider the geography of countries,making wheelchairs, the leader can safely be considered exactly Poland. In this country 75% of the total of this child's product is produced. Adamex, Baby active, Bart-Plast, Bebetto, Ceba Baby, Coletto, DPG, Dorjan, EvroCart, Jedo, Kajtex, Krasnal, Plaudi, Roan, Riko, Tako, Verdi and many other Polish manufacturers have long been making vehicles for children . At the same time, prices for such strollers are significantly lower than other European manufacturers. To a higher price category are the models of American firm Graco, English Happy Baby and German Knorr. The most desirable can be called the Italian Peg Perego and Chicco: an excellent range, a wide range of colors, good quality has always distinguished the products of Italians, but for what year they can not become the leaders of sales because of the relatively high prices for their models. Speaking of Russia, here they also produce their own strollers: Happych (Heppich) and Rant, the most famous Russian producers. If we talk about them in general terms, the quality leaves much to be desired.

Each manufacturer has a number ofstrollers of different types. Today, on the shelves of shops are 4 main types of walking models. What will be the best stroller for the buyer, will help determine a number of comparisons.

best stroller 2012

1. Baby carriage 3 in 1. Based on the name itself, this model consists of three main parts: a cradle, a walking part and a car seat. It has a stable base with large wheels, equipped with a cushioning system, a foot brake and a basket for small things. Practically noiseless and well passable, it is an excellent option for a child from birth to three years. The cradle will quickly change to a promenade part, and the car seat will occupy a worthy place in the back seat of the car. The cost of such a miracle design ranges from 20,000 to 60,000 rubles, it is much cheaper than buying all the items separately. The only and significant disadvantage is that the car seat, included in the kit, will quickly become unusable. As a rule, it can be used only for transportation of children of zero group (up to 13 kg). Therefore, a year will have to buy a new one.

2. Baby stroller 2 in 1. This model consists only of a cradle and a walking block. Functionality and a decent price make it the most popular. No doubt, this is the best stroller. Due to the stable wheels it is very passable, and therefore it is the best stroller for the winter. Special springs at the base will perfectly smooth the unevenness of the soil during the walk. In addition, the child in it sits much higher than in similar models. The approximate cost of such a kit will be 20-25% cheaper than a 3 in 1 stroller. If we talk about shortcomings, it should be noted that for the entire period of operation it can be pretty boring. Because of the heavy base, the 2 in 1 models are cumbersome, this is especially noticeable on the road. The child grows up and can actively travel. With this model it is not very convenient, since it occupies the entire trunk of a standard sedan.

best stroller for winter

3. Strollers-transformers. Represented by a wide range of models. The main feature of such carriages is the mechanism of transformation. The child can sit on the movement and against the movement of the stroller. In the first variant, he looks ahead and a review opens before him. At the second variant the child looks at mum, it is especially necessary, if he has fallen asleep. Do not constantly stop and check whether it is covered, not lost a pacifier, etc. Transformers can have several wheelbase options: one wheel from four sides or two. If there are only four wheels, they are usually slightly larger than those of the eight-wheel counterparts. From the diameter of the wheels, as a rule, depends on the permeability of the stroller. This type of stroller is very diverse and in the choice of pens. Double and single, long and short, narrow and wide - a lot of options. When choosing a particular model, you should try rolling the wheelchair and choosing the most convenient one. The stroller-transformer will cost the buyer 5000-16000 rubles, depending on the manufacturer and a set of additional options.

best stroller for summer

4. Stroller. Its name is due to the features of the assembly. Sufficiently light and convenient for transportation, takes up little space. This model is suitable for children more mature. It is fixed in one, sitting, position and is not adapted for sleep. Such a stroller is not suitable for winter, because the child will be cold enough, and she hardly travels through the snow. If you can hang a special bag on other strollers, then you will have to carry it in your hands. But quickly go to the store or run to the polyclinic - it's another matter. The stroller cane is cheaper than other types, its price does not exceed 5000 rubles.

You can consider three-wheeled strollers. They should not be isolated in a separate form, because this is more a feature of the basis than an independent model. Three-wheeled carriages are found in all the above described types, except for the stroller. It is worth noting that, because of the lack of additional support, these models are not very stable and can easily turn over.

There is no general concept "Best stroller",this is a subjective assessment of each consumer. Choosing a transport for your child, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of all types, and only then such a purchase will please for many years.

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