/ / False pregnancy in women: causes, symptoms, at-risk groups

False pregnancy in women: causes, symptoms, at-risk groups

False pregnancy in women is quite rarepathology. On average, it occurs in 1 case of 3500 normal pregnancy conditions. Most often, it arises from a combination of three types of disorders: gynecological, endocrine and mental. Signs of a false pregnancy in all coincide with the true. There are cases when a woman even felt painful contractions, the doctors did cesarean section, as the fruit did not appear for a long time, and found that the uterus was empty.

Initially, a false pregnancy in women does notis different from the true one - menstruation stops, the abdomen grows, the mammary glands enlarge and become painful, colostrum may even appear, the toxicosis, weakness, dizziness, intolerance of odors. At the same time, if you do not recognize the disorder on time with the help of ultrasound, then at a later date the woman even feels the "stirring" of the child inside.

Why do such plausible symptoms arise?false pregnancy, doctors still can not explain. Since the pituitary body responsible for the production of hormones in the body, false pregnancy is most often associated with hormonal imbalance. As a result of any malfunction, stress, anxiety, obsession, the pituitary gland can begin to produce too many hormones, which causes the sensation that a normal pregnancy has come.

A confidence in what is happening and own strengthbeliefs make the symptoms even more believable, that is, the body begins to confirm that the woman was not mistaken. There are even such things as confirming the pregnancy test, softening the cervix, changing the color and size of the vagina, which corresponds to the true pregnancy.

A false pregnancy is determined reliablywomen only with the help of ultrasound, even an examination on the chair will not give an exact answer. Of course, a woman is very seriously experiencing such disappointment, so she is often advised to seek help from an endocrinologist, a psychologist or even a psychiatrist if the case of the disorder is really severe.

Most often, a false pregnancy occurs in womenemotional, sensitive, susceptible to neuroses, easily suggestible, depressed. When a misconception about pregnancy emerges, the condition of a woman can greatly deteriorate right up to a suicide attempt. Therefore, the strength of doctors should be directed not only to treating gynecological symptoms, but also to help in eliminating emotional problems and mental disorders.

What categories of women are at risk?

- Women of "Balzac's age" who are treated for infertility and try to get pregnant. They so get used to the obsessive image of pregnancy, that the organism plays with them a cruel joke.

- Emotionally tense women whoare too sensitive to the "child" theme. For example, if a pregnant girl appears in the environment of such a woman, then she too can feel herself on demolitions, just watching the progress of the development of this pregnancy.

- Women who have been emotionally traumatizeddue to loss of a baby or miscarriage. False pregnancy becomes a salvation for them, a way to compensate for the loss. It is this type of women that is most prone to suicide after revealing the falsity of its condition.

There are times when men start themselvesfeel pregnant with their wives. This is due to the special sensitivity and emotionality of men 20-30 years old, in whose families the first-born is expected.

They are so worried about the state of his wife,that involuntarily begin to "copy" all the symptoms of pregnancy, experiencing nausea, vomiting, pain in the intestines and back, insomnia, severe stress. Without the help of doctors, you can not do without it: you must always contact a psychologist or psychiatrist, and go through a mandatory examination with a surgeon: suddenly, these are signs of an appendicitis inflammation or other problems of the gastrointestinal tract.

If it finally turned out that the disorder hasneuropsychic nature, then such men are not recommended for joint delivery because their behavior can not be predicted. It may turn out that at this important moment it will be necessary to help a man, and not his wife.

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