/ / Such different contests for adults

Such different contests for adults

What is the difference between a good feast and a bad feast? The mood. Today, it's no longer fashionable to simply sit at a table, absorbing an infinite number of spirits and food. At weddings, birthdays, corporate parties, it is customary to have fun, lead funny contests, and organize merry competitions.

The more intense the festive program, the less people who "overdid" with alcohol, the merrier the holiday, the longer it is remembered.

When presenters prepare contests for adults, theymust necessarily take into account the specifics of the event, the characteristics of people who will participate in it. It makes no sense to offer too lively games in the age group. At best, those present simply refuse to participate. At worst, they will be offended and will not come again.

The most mischievous contests for adults come up withfor Wedding. This event allows erotic overtones of the holiday. However, it should be borne in mind that at the very beginning of the holiday, when people have not yet completely relaxed, it is pointless to offer them too "playful" exercises. You can start with harmless competition. For example, check which of the potential grandfathers quickly swirls the baby doll or who from grandmothers will quickly feed the grandson. For this grandmother issued a bottle with a pacifier "grandson", whose role can play the same grandfather. Instead of a nipple, there can be a plate with porridge, and instead of a "grandson" - a son-in-law, a daughter-in-law or any of the guests present.

As far as "increasing the degree" of the party, competitionsfor adults can become liberated. You can, for example, put men on chairs, put a newspaper on their knees. The task of women - booty as quickly as possible to crush this newspaper. Exercise looks very piquant, it gives the male participants a lot of fun. There is another, more relaxed version of this competition. On their knees men are not packing a newspaper, but a sheet of paper with painted dots. Women kneel and try to stick, which is held in the mouth, pierce the sheet where these points are drawn. From the side the procedure looks very ambiguous. However, we must remember that not every guest will agree to become a party to such a piquant situation. Therefore, the choice of participants should be approached very carefully.

If guests are happy to participate in suchambiguous games, they can offer more "hot" contests for adults. For example, you can invite married couples and invite your wife to roll from the leg to her husband's leg leg, which was just taken out of the refrigerator. Or ask her husband to take off the clothespins from his wife's clothes with his lips. Naturally, in both cases, the eyes of the active participant must be tied.

If guests or newlyweds do not likeambiguous competition, you can do more chaste games. Let the men with blindfolds recognize their mate on the arm or the smell of perfume, and women will guess the beloved by the ears.

To hold such contests for the holidays, which are celebrated at work, is not recommended. Corporate entertainment should unite the team, raise the mood, but not provoke them.

In one organization for four years nowremember a New Year's fairy tale, which was invented by one of the collaborators. The text of the fairy tale told how Father Frost decided to congratulate the employees of their corporation. She had many characters, animate and inanimate. The participants of the corporate party determined their roles with lots. Was Santa Claus (perhaps the most elegant and the small woman in the organization), Helicopter, Wind, bunny, pig, tree, etc. The task of each is to imitate what the author is reading. Trees should swing, Hogs - snorting snow. The more participants in the story than the richness of its events, the fun turns staging. Imagine the laughter caused one of the fairy-tale phrases: "Under the swaying Elka lay helicopter with a broken blade, Wind carried the clearing Snowflakes raised in the air prowling hog hooves and Santa Claus unsuccessfully tried to climb over a huge snowdrift."

Contests for adults always cheer up. But if you are not sure of your abilities, you are afraid that you will come up with something different, better invite a professional presenter. Then the success of the holiday will be guaranteed.

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