/ / Positive test for ovulation - do not miss the moment

Positive test for ovulation - do not miss the moment

Why often in healthy parents who have undergone all medical examinations, it is not possible to have a child? Probably because they are not sufficiently aware of what ovulation is.

Ovulation is one of the stages of menstrualcycle, during which a mature ovum, completely ready for fertilization, leaves the ovary. As a rule, ovulation begins in a woman in the middle of the cycle. Specifically, this period, which lasts an average of 3-5 days, is considered the most suitable for conception.

If you want more confidence or youthe menstrual cycle is not regular, then additional and sufficiently accurate studies will help you. For example, there are special tests designed to determine the period of ovulation. Such tests can be easily purchased at a pharmacy and used at home. Following the instructions, you can get a positive test for ovulation.

In the urine of any woman there is luteinizinga hormone (LH), its quantity sharply increases for 1-2 days prior to the beginning of an ovulation. There are tests that respond to the amount of LH and help determine the appropriate time for conception. That is, at the time when the amount of LH reaches its peak, which happens only once in the menstrual cycle, you will have a positive test for ovulation.

If you have a regular cycle, then startTesting about 17 days before the next menstruation. For example, if the cycle is 28 days, in this case, testing should be done from the 11th day, and if your cycle is 35 days - then from the 18th. With the run-down cycle, you need to select the shortest cycle in the last six months and calculate the day for the test. The peak of the hormone level, which is recognized by the test correctly, lasts a very short time - less than a day. For example, if the LH level peaks in the morning, but the woman did the test only in the evening, when the amount of hormones decreased, then the results may be negative. In this regard, it is recommended to conduct the test twice a day - in the evening and in the morning, so as not to miss the positive test for ovulation, when the level of hormones in the urine is the highest.

If a test strip is used, it is requiredlower in a vessel with urine for a short time, then put the strip on a flat surface and evaluate the result after 10 minutes. If an inkjet test is used, either a container with urine can be used, or the test can be substituted for a few seconds under a urine stream. After that, the test should be closed with a cap and put on a flat surface for 10 minutes.

Now there were multiple tests for ovulation,which work on the same principle - is a compact device with test strips. The test strips are also lowered into a vessel with urine, and then inserted into such a device, and the LH level appears on the display. It can be said that the use of such a device gives results more accurate than when using simple strips, in addition, a similar test for ovulation shows pregnancy.

In order to evaluate the result,compare the line of total to the left with the control line on the right. In the event that a single control line appears on the test or a very weak band appears on the ovulation test, the test can be considered negative. If the control and test lines are the same in brightness and color, or if the test line is slightly darker than the control line, then a positive test for ovulation is considered (after which it is not necessary to conduct further testing). If the control line is missing altogether, then the test is erroneous or it is not carried out correctly.

Disadvantage can be considered quite highthe cost. Testing should be done in the evening and in the morning for several days. If you try to do the test once, then it will be easy to miss the peak of LH, when conception is most likely.

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