/ / When constipation during pregnancy what to do

When constipation during pregnancy what to do

With constipation, normal functioning is disruptedthe stool becomes firm, dry, rare, in small quantity and after the act of defecation there is no feeling of relief, a person experiences anxiety and discomfort. With constipation, food moves through the intestines very slowly. During this time, most of the fluid is absorbed into the intestine, the fecal masses become dense, the processes of decay, fermentation, toxins begin to be absorbed into the blood. The picture is clearly not attractive. Yes, and a pregnant woman experiences constant swelling, rumbling and heaviness in the abdomen. Her skin becomes flabby, inelastic, the tongue is covered with bloom, headaches are disturbing.

In addition, constipation leads to the development of hemorrhoids, rectal fissures, cause an increased tone of the uterus, restlessness during sleep.

Every second woman during pregnancyconstipation develops. Therefore, many women have a question: if they are concerned about constipation during pregnancy what should they do in such a situation? To help, you need to know the reasons and eliminate them at the opportunity. I'll try to give a simple explanation.

In the first months of pregnancy, women arethe amount of progesterone in the blood that relieves the muscle tension of not only the uterus, but also the intestine, makes its work inactive and lethargic, so the feces slowly move through the intestines. This is why so often constipation in the early stages of pregnancy.

And here the easiest way out is to preventconstipation, it is proper to eat. Do not make long breaks in food, and eat often and in small portions. Do not eat strong tea, coffee, chocolate, white bread and pastries, do not eat dry, hastily, and slowly chew food. Do not cook rice or semolina porridge, as not all cereals are useful for constipation during pregnancy. These porridges fix the stool. But buckwheat, oats and wheat porridge are very useful and nutritious, especially in the mornings. Fresh kefir with bifidobacteria, yogurt, fermented baked milk is useful. But kefir, which stood for several days, but with a normal shelf life, is fixed by a chair. And milk will cause gasification during constipation and will only exacerbate the situation.

Of vegetables, beets, sauerkraut,broccoli, tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, cucumbers. When a woman is tormented by constipation during pregnancy what to do to her in the first place, so it does not panic, calm down, it is useful to drink plain water at any time. But especially well helps drink unboiled cold water on an empty stomach, it is possible with a slice of lemon. Drink slowly, without hurrying, for several minutes. If you drink water in one gulp, there will not be any sense. Fruits need to eat "right" useful for constipation. These include pears, apricots, peaches, plums. Well helps to establish a chair of juice with pulp from these fruits. In winter, dried fruits such as dried apricots, prunes and beet salads are irreplaceable.

If you diversify your diet, alternate usefulproducts and beverages, it will help prevent constipation, make life pregnant more pleasant and comfortable. To ensure that the intestines do not bother and remind you of themselves, and do not disturb constipation during pregnancy, what to do, so do not overeat in the first place. It's not so difficult to do. It is not necessary to eat for two. Just make small portions, do not eat fruit together with dinner, and leave the next time for an afternoon snack. Regulate intelligently its food, without excesses and limitations.

Pregnant women who suffer from constipation, likerule, leads a sedentary lifestyle. If there are no strict medical contraindications for this, pregnant women can and should do gymnastics, special exercises that strengthen the abdominal wall, abdominal muscles, and, simultaneously, stimulate the movement of food in the intestines.

But what you should not do with constipation duringpregnancy, so it is on your own to take laxatives, even plant origin. No medication for constipation during pregnancy is better not to take. Vaseline oil causes irritation of the intestinal mucosa and interferes with the absorption of vitamins A, E and D. Bisacodyl, senade and hay preparations can lead to dehydration due to loose stool and provoke premature contractions. With a large formation of gases you can drink activated charcoal, broth of dill, chamomile flowers. And dofalac and mukofalk take without much need is not, despite their popularity in pregnant women. First, the intestinal addiction quickly comes to artificial stimulation, and secondly, these drugs must be taken with a lot of water, which during pregnancy often leads to the development of edema.

But bran perfectly absorb the excessmoisture, swell in the intestines and gently move along it. Take bran need no more than 1 tbsp. l to 1 glass of water. It is enough to drink them twice a day, bake pancakes or cook jelly from them. The old folk remedy of our grandmothers. They rarely had constipation during pregnancy what to do to avoid this, they knew without the Internet, books and doctors.

Modern young women in the age of hypodynamia, often overeating, sit at the computer for a long time, walk a little, hence the problem. Constipation during pregnancy is better to avoid than to treat it!

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