Choosing a dairy mixture for newborns
Young mother, of course, after giving birthbaby breast. This is the most useful and nutritious food for him, provided by nature itself. Nothing can completely replace the mother's breast milk. But, unfortunately, sometimes lactation stops or breastfeeding for some reason becomes impossible. How should I act in such a situation, so as not to harm the baby?
If for any reason the child is no longerreceives milk from the mother, it is transferred to the artificial feeding with the help of adapted milk mixtures. They are as close as possible to the composition of breast milk and are enriched with all useful vitamins and microelements. But how can a young mother understand among a huge number of mixtures, especially since they are different - conventional and therapeutic, hypoallergenic, antireflux, dairy, lactose-free? Let's try to figure out why we need dairy milk for newborns.
How to replace breast milk
Often mothers think about which mixture is betterto feed the newborn. Of course, this should only be an adapted mixture, since unadapted can be poorly absorbed by the child's body, cause allergies and indigestion. Remember that mixtures that are suitable for some children, others may not be suitable. And if your child has constipation, green tight feces, tummy aches are signals to the fact that you need to change the mixture. Mom, be careful of such symptoms!
Sour-milk mixtures for newborns havea big advantage over the ordinary. The fact is that they favorably affect the intestinal motility, contain useful microorganisms and bacteria, which improves digestion.
Such products as "Nan", "Nutrilon", "Baby"and others, are produced both in the usual form and as a sour-milk mixture. Here such there are mixtures for newborns. Their prices are 300-365 rubles per jar. You can feed the baby with a regular formula suitable for the age - for the newborn it is food at number 1 (from 0 to 6 months), and for sour-milk. Once a day, it is quite enough to replace feeding with a sour-milk product in order to adjust the work of the intestine. Some completely for a while pass to sour-milk mixes for newborns. But do not forget that they should not be consumed for a long time, since there are more vitamins in ordinary mixtures.
You can enter food for your baby only afterconsultations with the pediatrician. Despite the fact that sour-milk mixtures for newborns are used often and with success, before this you need to know the opinion of the doctor observing the child. Do not forget to take into account the age of the baby and buy the mixture number 1. Do not overfeed it so that it does not suffer from regurgitation. If there are allergic reactions, replace the product.
Breeding baby food is very easy, you just need to have a bottle with a measuring scale, warm water and a jar of mixture.
Do not forget that you can completely transfer the baby to a fermented milk mixture for a short period, then you need to return to normal diet.
Let your baby always be healthy!