/ / Vetclinik on Bagritsky (Moscow) - rescue of pets

Vetklinik on Bagritsky (Moscow) - rescue of pets

Vetklinik on Bagritsky (Moscow) opens the doors to all who need help. Here you can:

  • to cure a pet from an infectious disease;
  • make preventive vaccinations;
  • to receive consultation of the doctor-veterinarian;
  • to conduct cosmetic procedures;
  • cure trauma;
  • carry out diagnostics;
  • enter the medicine inside and so on.

The doctor's office is open from 9 am to 8 pm. As for emergency cases, the veterinary clinic in Bagritsky Street will also not deny those whose pet got into a difficult situation during non-working hours. A doctor on duty is always present, ready at any time to help our younger brothers.

Vetklinik on Bagritsky reviews

Composition of GPEEP physicians

Pets are a gentle creature that requiresa special attention and approach. That is why trust in the treatment of your pet is necessary for true professionals, who form the composition of veterinarians in the GCEP.

Vetklinik on Bagritsky represents the following specialists (information for the summer of 2016):

  • Nasilova NV - the property of the clinic. Leading specialist, the main specialization is dermatology.
  • Kurlenko N. A. - can boast of 20 years of practice. Specializes in the field of therapy and vaccine prevention.
  • Kataeva EA - practical experience of about 12 years. The main specialization in the field of ultrasound diagnosis, ECG, cardiology, therapy.

It is important to note that the vet clinic for Bagritsky is notis limited to the above names. The team of veterinarians includes many highly qualified specialists who will provide special care to your pet with special care and zeal.

vet clinic for Bagritsky

Types of services offered: therapy

In GCEVP, each owner will be able to cure infectious andnon-communicable diseases of your pet. Any treatment occurs in several stages: registration, diagnosis, obtaining test results, the appointment of treatment and medication, a period of gradual recovery and again a little diagnosis on the return of a healthy animal condition. The following types of procedures can be assigned here:

  • Subcutaneous injections.
  • Intravenously.
  • Intramuscularly.
  • Droppers.
  • Other procedures.

Surgery as the basis for the treatment of complex injuries

Vetklinik on Bagritsky is able to helpanimals caught in difficult situations that pose a threat to their lives and health. Thus, GCEPP offers a complex of necessary surgical services, for example, cavitary operations, cosmetic, operations associated with the locomotor apparatus, castration, sterilization, restorative surgery, and so on.

Not only large pets are operated: cats, dogs - but also ferrets, guinea pigs, rabbits and so on.

GCEPP also conducts operations related to surgical intervention, for example, removal of calculus, pruning of teeth.

vet clinic in Bagritsky Street

Diagnosis and vaccination

Among numerous institutions, diagnostics andVaccination is handled by a vet clinic at Bagritsky. Feedback from owners about the procedures performed create a positive impression and form the impeccable reputation of the GCEP.

In the price list of the provision of diagnostic servicesinclude: conducting a general analysis of blood, urine, feces; studies conducted to identify parasites, blood-parasitic diseases; the study of smear analysis and so on.

In addition to general diagnosis and explanationresults, you can use vaccination services, for example, to prevent any disease that is common in a particular region. The clinic uses modern vaccines of domestic and imported production. Here you can also issue passports and other vaccination documents, which are necessary, for example, for transporting an animal.

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