/ / Preparing for walking, or When the baby starts to crawl

Preparing for walking, or When the baby starts to crawl

In pediatrics, doctors clearly follow important milestonesthe formation of the erection: a coup, confident sitting and, of course, the moment when the child starts to crawl. All this leads to the fact that, at the appropriate time, the baby confidently will take the first step. And therefore it is very important to know the terms and those activities that lead to the mastery of the skill of crawling.

when the baby starts to crawl

About the skill and its meaning

Moving on all fours is a basic stepphysiological development of the child. In fact, this process indicates that the muscles of the youngster are in an acceptable tone, the vestibular apparatus is well developed, and the psychoemotional development corresponds to the age.

In this connection, the question arises: "When will the child begin to crawl?" The answer to it by doctors (pediatricians and neurologists) is given all vague: "At about the end of the sixth and during the seventh month". And the first attempts to implement this skill may not be noticed by parents. The karapuz will hesitantly try to fix his body in a position on all fours, back off, as if swaying, or make weak attempts to turn around his axis. All these actions are that momentous moment.

when should a child crawl

The situation with the other question is somewhat different: "When should the baby crawl?" The thing is that some of the fagots generally ignore the need to go through this stage. They, after they learned to sit confidently, immediately go to the stage of walking. In modern pediatrics, this situation is not considered a pathology, only doctors recommend giving more time to physical exercises and massage. But it's better when the baby crawls after all, and only after this takes its first steps. And parents can help him in this case.

How correctly to teach the child to creep?

There is a whole complex of exercises, which will spur the youngster to a fun and fairly quick movement on all fours. And to begin to fulfill them it is necessary from two weeks of age.

So, the first is laying on the tummy. It's worth doing since the umbilical wound has fully healed. This process will help the child not only learn to hold his head and strengthen the shoulder girdle, but also will allow to see a lot of interesting things that are hidden from him in the supine position.

how to properly teach a child to crawl

The second is to stimulate the desire to turn overand sit down. In fact, in this way, parents can be even more interested in the child not only by the surrounding world, but also by the fact that the carapace can control his body.

Third - tracking the parameters of the weight of the young, especially when it is on artificial feeding.

Fourth - the provision of freedom in clothing and space.

Fifth - the implementation of regular sessions of massage and gymnastics, during which the increased tone is removed, and muscles are strengthened.

Sixth - the provision of objects for research at a time when the child starts to crawl. This can be toys, hard-facing chairs and other items that are not capable of harming the baby.

And the last, the seventh - the refusal of frequent use of walkers.

As we see, the moment when the child starts to crawl,entirely depends on what kind of work with your child is led by parents. Therefore, they need to closely monitor this moment and make efforts for its early offensive.

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