Finger gymnastics in the middle group and the elder
Fun and exciting finger exercisesfor children will help develop the mobility of brushes, the flexibility of the child's fingers. And this, in turn, will enable the child to master the basics of mathematical knowledge, without problems to master oral and written speech. In addition, a correctly selected set of exercises and games with fingers will bring the emotional background into balance, will have a positive psychological effect.
Finger exercises for children and their general development
The consequence of the development of fine motor skills isimprovement of the right and left hemisphere of the brain. Their synchronous work affects the level of development of children's speech. The interrelation between the hemispheres of the brain is necessary for the reason that in the right appear images of various objects and phenomena, and in the left they acquire verbal forms.
From what has been said, it follows that if the parents wantopen in his child certain abilities, teach him to deftly and quickly perform any work, correctly and beautifully speak, you must first develop the fingers and hands of his hands.
This same idea is confirmed by the famous Soviet teacher Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky. He says that the child's mind is at the tips of his fingers.
When to start working with fingers
It is known that the most favorable period forformation of children's speech - age from one and a half to three years. At this time, the foundations of speech behavior are laid. The child is ready to master all the means of the language.
The essence of these exercises is reduced to tactilecommunication with the baby. There is a stroking of the palms and fingers, pulling on the fingers of an adult. Such exercises help the development of the surrounding world, the understanding of the presence of oneself in it. In addition, the child receives psycho-emotional support from the adult, which makes the baby more calm, he feels protected.
How to play with your fingers
The games with the child's fingers are very diverse. They are selected in accordance with the capabilities of the baby. For example, finger exercises in the middle group of the kindergarten will differ significantly from those offered to senior preschoolers. As the exercises are mastered by children, they become more complicated and mutate. But the level of requirements of an adult should take into account the physical and psychomotor development of each child.
The sweat, which is an integral part of finger games, is pronounced with maximum expressiveness. All movements are synchronized with the text.
New to the baby exercise first neededperform at a slow pace. If the child has difficulty with the movements of the fingers, the adult does them with him. In addition, one hand of crumbs can help to carry out movements to the other hand. The adult should show all the games to the kid himself.
What should be the measure of adult care
Performing arbitrary finger movements - verya complex skill that a child barely owns until two years of age. That's why the baby needs the help of an adult, when finger exercises are held. 3 years - the age at which the child's independence begins to grow. But, it turns out, it is at this time not recommended to reduce the amount of assistance an adult child.
How to choose a time for the game
A huge advantage over other speciesdeveloping exercises has finger exercises. In the middle group of the kindergarten, with toddlers, you can play with your fingers when you want to do it. After all, the fingers are always with them.
Gymnastics for fingers in early childhood
At the age of three months to three years, you can alreadybegin the implementation of exercises aimed at promoting the coordination of baby movements. The card file of finger gymnastics, compiled by the teachers of preschool and general educational institutions, contains a description of the games where such exercises are used as an easy tapping of the child against each other, bending both hands in the elbows and alternately pulling them forward. If the child shows displeasure at their performance, then it is recommended to stop occupations.
Games with fingers with children 4-5 years old
Finger exercises in the middle groupis to use exercises with tingling and stroking your fingers. Movements are directed from their base to the tips. All actions with fingers are accompanied by pronouncing the words of nursery rhymes. At the age of 4-5 years, many of the proposed exercises the child will be able to do independently.
Games with fingers in the older group
All the exercises used before, can be used at this stage of the development of the child. It is necessary to improve the movement of the fingers, increasing the speed, achieving accuracy.
At the age of 5 - 6 years, children can be offered games,in which it is necessary to show the imitation of movements of different objects. It develops not only the coordination of the child, but also his imagination, imagination. Some games are best spent sitting, and others - standing.
Finger exercises in the preparatory group
Games with fingers for children of 6-7 years, as well as for kids of an earlier age, are aimed at stimulating the interaction of the cerebral hemispheres, which positively affects the overall development of the child.
Sometimes in the special literature there can berepresented finger exercises on topics. "Finger little animals" is one of them. This topic is the most difficult. It is distinguished by the ability to use hands in a different way, creating with their help images of any animals. When doing this exercise, you combine reading poetry and finger exercises. The senior group and preparatory to the school at the same time can be acquainted with the work of such children's writers as Valentin Berestov, Sasha Cherny, Daniil Kharms, Mikhail Yasnov. Poems of these authors are most often used for finger-making animals.
A feature of some games is that they are held with both hands simultaneously. They should be used when the child is prepared to perform exercises of this complexity.