/ / How do I tell my mother that I'm pregnant, because I'm only 15?

How to tell my mother that I'm pregnant, because I'm only 15?

The most terrible thing that you couldimagine. You are pregnant. And you're only 15! And you're still learning, and your friends are running to parties, dancing in clubs, and in general, having a great time. And you...

how to tell my mother that I'm pregnant
And you, in horror, think: "I'm 15 years old, and I'm pregnant!", You sit down at the computer and start to convulsively dial: "How to tell my mother that I'm pregnant." After all, and the truth, how to tell mom?

Let's calm down and talk. No, it's too late to reproach you. About the existence of funds for protection from pregnancy, you, of course, knew. But for some reason I thought that all this had nothing to do with you. As you see, it has, and the most immediate.

And now about the main thing. This will be a dialogue

Your remark: "What if I'm pregnant?"

Replica of the author: "The fact that a new life has arisen in your body makes you older than your peers." Outwardly nothing has changed yet, but feel that you are not alone. "That in you is another life and she has the right to last. for the sake of which the bulk of women come to this world and if it does not appear according to plan it is not a disaster.Decide for yourself, already as an adult person, that you have no right to kill an innocent creature.And, by adopting this decision , go to your mother. "

"Yes, but how can I tell my mother that I'm pregnant? She'll just die!"

what to do if I'm pregnant
"Gain courage, and say. Of course, at first you will have a hard time, but who else will understand you like your mother? She, having calmed down a little, most likely also will offer you to become a mother and will promise help. However, if you have someone else in your family who is close to you in spirit, then enlist his support. If you come to mom together, it will be easier to talk. "

"My boyfriend does not want a child and insists on an abortion."

"This is the most common reaction of guys,who contacted a fifteen-year-old girl. Due to age, you do not fit into his ideas about the future wife and mother, so the reaction is always the same. Do not be sorry about this guy. He immediately showed me what it was. Why do you need someone who throws at a difficult time. After all, you can not trust him further. Betrayed once, betrayed repeatedly. "

"But I still need to learn!"

"Try to negotiate with the teachers about the earlyend of school, if possible. And if not, then do not worry. You can, after the birth, finish the evening school or school. And if you wish, continue your education at the university. Many young mothers did just that. If you do not have enough money, you can always find a part-time job. Even if unofficial. "

I'm 15 years old and I'm pregnant
"And how will I arrange my life then?"

"You see, you already ask adults, seriousquestions. And the one, the first: "How to tell my mother that I'm pregnant?" has become a thing of the past. Do not be afraid, the situation you are in, has its positive aspects. By the time your coevals roll your wheelchairs in the courtyard, you will already have a fairly large child, and you will be able to devote more time to yourself. In addition, you already have invaluable experience in dealing with men!

At this time, a single mother with a child does not frighten anyone. And the presence of a child often even serves a man as a confirmation of your future ability to farm - after all, you already know how much! "

The main thing, in the answer to the question: "How to tell my mother that I'm pregnant?" - it's your decision to be a good mother and a happy woman in the future. All now in your hands! Success to you and belief in the forces!

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