/ / Addition of bees for winter with sugar syrup. Time and amount of top dressing

Addition of bees for winter with sugar syrup. Time and amount of top dressing

The breeding and care of bees is a processresponsible and time-consuming. After the summer season, the host of the hives should take care of the state of the insects and the food reserves. For successful wintering of bees, it is necessary to carry out feeding in autumn. This procedure will help to keep the maximum number of individuals in families in the cold season with good health and strength for a future flight.

Preparing bees for winter

After the summer season, the owner of the hives needs to spendaudit of families. How to properly prepare bees for winter? For this, he must calculate the age of the uterus and the number of broods. These data will help him to determine the need for additional activities to prepare bee colonies for wintering.

top-dressing bees for winter with sugar syrup

If the farm has clues with different insects on the "strength", then the bees must be fed with sugar syrup, because the reserves of natural honey usually go to weak families.

When all sorts of diseases are detectedinsects are necessarily processed by special veterinary drugs. Thus, before the onset of cold weather, families can restore their health and grow stronger. Also, the necessary medicines are added to the dressing.

Do I need top dressing?

In the winter, bees experience two phases of life anddevelopment. The first half of this time of year is distinguished by complete calm and calm in the evidence. During this period, insects practically do not move in the nests and do not eat food. They are gaining strength and energy for the next stage.

The situation completely changes in the bee family with the appearance of brood. At this time, insects begin to carry out an active activity:

  • feed brood;
  • maintain a certain temperature in the place of the broiler;
  • regulate the humidity.

In connection with such a vigorous activity, theyspend a large amount of energy, which must be restored with the help of power. Therefore, the autumn feeding of bees with sugar syrup can help families to produce quality brood.

Optimal time for the process of harvesting and using sugar syrup

Experienced beekeepers were divided in opinion. Some believe that fertilizing can be done in late autumn, others insist on a spring version of the use of syrup. When to start feeding bees for the winter?

 sugar syrup for bees

Still it is believed that it is better to conduct thisprocess in late August and early September. Years of bees at this time noticeably decreases and the bribe period ends. Also, pay attention to the fact that near the hives there were no flowering plants. Otherwise, the bees will fly out to these flowers, and not to process the sugar syrup.

In southern regions of the country, bees for winter can be fed with sugar syrup until October 5-10. Here, at this time, the average daily temperature is still above 100. In other parts of the country, it is better to complete this process by September 15-20.

Later, feeding does not allow insectscompletely rework the feed before the birth of the offspring. And in the process of processing additional fertilization, young individuals should not participate in any case. This occupation will simply destroy them. The main task in the winter of a new generation of bees is to gain strength and energy for the spring-summer season. Such insects simply wait for the cold period in comfortable conditions.

Late brood detains the first departuresyoung growth. This leads to the fact that the insects begin to emptying into the honeycomb. And such places do not use bees for harvesting honey. Thus, in the next season, the collection of nectar and processing it into honey can be significantly reduced, and individuals may be stricken with a bacterial infection.

Insects treat syrup for feeding beesapproximately 14 days. During this period, the temperature regime on the street is extremely important. If this process is carried out in the spring, then the process of uterine inking can be accelerated, which will lead to the loss of a large number of insects.

How to achieve the processing of sugar syrup first and the correct calculation of its quantity

For this, before carrying out work on feedingYou need to put two empty frames inside the hive. Thus, the processed insect syrup will be placed in these honeycombs. By the way the bees begin to absorb the food from the middle of the hive. Then, closer to the spring period, they will move to the honeycombs on the side, where there will be reserves of natural honey.

Top-dressing of bees for winter with sugar syrup shouldbe carried out in a certain amount. Calculate the right weight is easy enough. To do this, you need to determine the total amount of fodder for the whole winter for one family. According to estimates of experienced beekeepers, 3,000 insects (one side of the frame) need 2 kg of honey.

autumn feeding of bees with sugar syrup

According to the rules of beekeeping, the main part should bemake up natural food. This is the honey that bees harvested. The host of evidence at the end of the season leaves him on the inside. It contains all the necessary substances for the life of insects.

Honey, which insects will produce from sugarsyrup, can account for 30% of the total amount of feed. It is worth noting that the calculation is made from the mass of sugar, and not from the weight of the syrup. Hence, 1 kg of honey bees produce from the same amount of sugar, rather than a ready-made sweet solution.

Features of syrup preparation

In the autumn, individuals should not spend much energyon the process of splitting complex polysaccharides into monosaccharides. Also they should not spend a lot of time on printing cells. To do this, top-dressing bees for winter with sugar syrup should be carried out strictly according to the schedule with observance of the exact proportions of the components when preparing the solution.

Sugar can be used beet andreed. It should not contain any foreign impurities. Water for making syrup must be cleaned. It should be boiled and defended for several days. In the container with water during this time a precipitate is formed, which necessarily merges.

syrup for feeding bees

If the sugar during storage has absorbed a lot of moisture,then the ready syrup is cooked for 10-15 minutes. Thus, it will be possible to avoid infection of bees with fungal diseases. It is strictly forbidden to boil the syrup. Also, you must strictly follow that it does not burn, otherwise the insects will not be able to process it.

Cooking syrup should be in enamelware. It should be thick. To process a liquid sweet solution, bees expend a lot of energy and enter a wintering regime that is weakened. This will affect their health and quality of honey in the next season.

Composition of syrup for feeding bees for the winter

Beekeepers have tried many different recipes for feeding. Now we use proven and quality compounds:

  1. The most optimal ratio is 3 (sugars): 2 (water). Thus, 60% of the sugar content in the syrup is obtained. For example, to prepare 10 liters of finished feed, you need to take 6 kg of sugar and 4 liters of water. In order not to crystallize, acetic acid is added to the mixture in the proportion of 0.3 ml per 1 kg of sugar. This ingredient has a good effect on the quality of bees wintering. They have more developed fat body, and they give an excellent brood in the spring.
  2. Increase the immunity of insects by usingadditives for cobalt dressing. This component has a favorable effect on young animals. Bees increase resistance to diseases and in the spring with good forces go on the flight. You can buy this component in the pharmacy. There the substance is sold in the form of tablets of cobalt chloride. Such 2 tablets should be added to 2 liters of ready-made syrup.
  3. Honey from processed syrup does not havesufficient amount of nutrients for bees. To maximize the composition of the natural, in the sugar solution is added to cow's milk. Thus, bees can use 76% of the necessary nutrients. To make such a syrup you need to take 20% less water. After cooling the finished syrup to 450 you need to add milk in the missing before the proportionamount of water. So, to prepare 10 liters of syrup, you need to use 3.2 liters of water and 0.8 liters of milk. Such a solution is fed into the hive in a warm state.
  4. Often used in cooking recipesbaker's yeast. In this case, the syrup is cooked in a ratio of 1: 1. For 10 liters you need to take 250 g of pressed yeast. They need to grind in half a liter of finished syrup and then add to the entire solution, mixing well. Such feeding of bees for the winter with sugar syrup will supply insects with a sufficient quantity of microelements and vitamins. When using dry yeast, they should be soaked in advance at a rate of 12 g per 1 liter of ready-made syrup.
  5. To avoid nosematosis, you need to add "Fumagillin" in the syrup at the rate of 250 ml to 12.5 liters of the finished food. Before application, the drug must be diluted in clean water.
  6. To protect the hives from ticks in the feeding, a small amount of needles needs to be added. Also, such an additive will provide families with additional vitamins and will give the solution a pleasant smell.
  7. You can supplement the protein in the diet of bees with the help ofchicken egg. To do this, you need to beat the egg well with a whisk or a mixer and strain it through gauze. The ingredient should be added to the finished syrup. For 1 family of bees will be enough 1 pc.

All additional ingredients are added to thecooled down syrup. Ready food can not be boiled and overheated. If necessary, boil the finished syrup, you need to periodically remove it from the heat before the moment of boiling.

Preparation of syrup

Water in the required quantity in advancedefends. Then it is brought to a boil in enameled pots and set aside from the fire. Only in this case the necessary amount of sugar is added and mixed thoroughly.

When using a liter can for measurementThe quantity of ingredients should not be forgotten, that only 800 g of granular substances are placed in it. After the sugar is completely dissolved, the syrup is allowed to cool to 400.

syrup preparation

Now you can add the necessaryadditional components to increase the amount of vitamins and trace elements. Also in the finished mixture, you can pour in natural honey in an amount of 10% of the total amount of the solution.

Bees seal honey in a honeycomb of syrup,Process it, reduce or add the necessary amount of water. Therefore, you need to carefully prepare sugar syrup for bees. Proportions of 3: 2 should be strictly observed. So, we get a syrup with the optimum density, and its insects can easily be processed into sugar honey and do not spend too much energy.

How to carry out the feeding process

It is important not only to properly prepare the syrup, but alsoto distribute it correctly. In the other case, all preparations will be in vain. An experienced beekeeper knows exactly the time and amount of feeding bees for the winter for his farm. Young owners should be familiar with the main ways. The bees are fed sugar syrup by:

  • small quantities at a time (up to 1 liter);
  • a large number (1-3 liters).

The first method is more acceptable and justified. In small doses, bees quickly and efficiently process sugar syrup into honey. The enzyme produced for the breakdown of sugars (invertase) is sufficient in sufficient quantity for the entire portion of top dressing.

feeding bees with sugar syrup

The second method can be used providedbig and strong family. It is also relevant provided good brood in the hive. Feeding of bees for the winter with sugar syrup is carried out with the help of upper feeders and sometimes lateral ones. Empty honeycombs are removed from the hives in advance. From the top feeders, insects quickly pick up the syrup and process it, because it cools there more slowly.

Autumn feeding of bees with sugar syrupproduced in the evening. Drops of sweet solution should not fall on the walls of the hive or on the ground around it. Otherwise, the bees will fly out and take additional steps to collect, and they will not have time to process the food.

What packaging should be used?

Sugar syrup for bees (proportions must be strictly observed) can be placed in the hive in several ways:

  • ceiling or side feeders that are covered with wooden or straw bridges to avoid insects being immersed in syrup;
  • 3-liter cans;
  • packing bags;
  • filling empty honeycombs.

In small farms often usedimprovised devices, when the bees are fed with sugar syrup in the autumn. So, the prepared mixture is placed in a 3-liter jar, in which the neck is then wrapped with gauze, folded in several layers. The can is turned upside down and placed in the upper sections of the hives. Syrup should not flow from the container. Bees suck feed through gauze protection.

Using packages for feeding

The cheapest and most convenient way is considereduse for feeding packaging packages. They differ from polyethylene in their greater strength and the presence of microscopic pores, which allow the odor of syrup to spread well throughout the hive. Thus, it is not necessary to pierce the bags by yourself.

beekeeping feeding the bees for the winter

With such a tare, the bees will spend the leastforce to puncture the package, and the sugar solution will not drip onto the walls and floor of the hive. This method is often described by many professionals in the section of beekeeping. Feeding bees for the winter with the help of the package takes a minimum of time and physical effort.

Packages are filled with ready syrup and tied. In the evening, they fold up on the upper frames carefully, so as not to crush the bees. This construction is insulated and closed. Within a few days, the bees will completely take the feeding and will process it.

To prevent insects from taking food in this way, it is necessary to add some natural honey for the smell to the syrup. This method is considered the most common and convenient.

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