/ / Welding unit: overview, types, characteristics, description and reviews

Welding unit: overview, types, characteristics, description and reviews

Not all situations can be usedA welding machine that connects to a source of electricity. Especially if it's building a room from scratch. For such cases, the welding unit is designed. This is a high-tech element, without which we simply can not do at production facilities. Often, these units are built on the chassis and are indispensable when it is necessary to perform street work. Also, without such a device, it is impossible to do on construction sites and large-scale production. These units are a combination of a welding machine and a generator. The device can be used for cutting and welding with metal.

general information

Welding unit is different from traditionalmobility and independence from electricity. Also this equipment can be handled without problems by hand or by road.

welding unit
The devices on the chassis perfectly show themselves in thefield conditions - on the street. This can explain the moment why an autonomous welding unit is made for use in severe and extreme conditions - rain, wind, summer heat.

These units are arranged from two nodes. This is the engine that is responsible for generating power and generator. The task of the latter is to form the necessary current. In addition, some models of autonomous welding devices can be equipped with current generators, devices for heating soil or concrete, devices that allow to regulate welding current, a block of plasma-air cutting, mechanisms of drying of raw electrodes.

Types of mobile welding equipment

There are three types of aggregates. They differ by the transformer - it can be collector or valve. Also the equipment differs by type of drive. The generator can be gasoline, diesel or electric. Also, the installation may have wheels or be stationary.

The engine is equipped with air or liquidcooling. The operating current is constant or alternating. Also there is a welding unit of two, one or multi-station. The rated current is from 250 to 500 A. The devices equipped with the 4004 gasoline engine are offered at very reasonable prices, but have one drawback. To work the engine requires high-quality fuel. Equipment based on a diesel engine has a higher cost. However, the quality of the fuel here does not matter. The device can effectively operate on inexpensive fuel. The diesel welding unit is unpretentious in operation and can work properly even in sub-zero temperatures.


To understand how the equipment works, toFor example, a SAK type welding machine, it is necessary to disassemble the device in detail. Structurally, the system is a modern and technological filling and a robust housing. Narrowly specialized aggregates, as well as universal equipment, consist of two basic components - the engine and the generator.

welding machine add
In addition to the basic nodes, the system consists offuel tanks, control and measurement instruments, control panels, batteries, rheostats for current regulation, and niches for tools in the unit housing.

Basic, as well as additional systems rigidlyfastened on a frame of strong metal. The housing is designed to protect the structure. He protects the equipment from various negative factors, unfavorable weather conditions and from mechanical damage. Due to such a reliable design it is possible to operate the welding unit in any weather - in snow, rain, summer heat or frost, without fear that the device will penetrate water. The whole design is carefully thought out. For example, on the side and on the back there are special doors through which you can conveniently access the internal systems. Also, due to these doors, repairs are much easier. For greater comfort in transportation and in operation, mobile welding units type D144 can be equipped with a searchlight.

Features of the welding device

Absolutely any welding machines work onthe same basic principle. It is specially designed in such a way that the system produces the maximum efficiency. That's why welders should know the theoretical part well.

Modern manufacturers offer a wideassortment of equipment - according to feedback, there is always something to choose for solving certain tasks. In this case, the identical units in appearance will differ in the type of key nodes. Although the scheme by which they work will be the same. The circuit is necessary for feeding with stable voltages. Without this, you can not talk about any stable operation of the device.

mobile welding units
In addition,electric arc - without it you can not get accurate and professional seams. But they are important not only from the aesthetic, but also from the technical point of view. In equipment of different brands, different schemes are used, designed to maximize productivity.

ADD Wheel Assembly

The most convenient option, according to the majoritywelders, this welding machine ADD 4004. This modification is in demand because it is equipped with wheels and it is easy to transport it to the place of work in any way. Reviews say that the wheels allow without the presence of a car by forces of two people to pull the unit from one shop to another. If you need to deliver the system over long distances, then any car is suitable for this.

The chassis significantly increases the load-bearing characteristicsself-contained welding machine. Its weight is large enough, and due to the landing gear, the pressure on the soil is leveled. Therefore, such a system can be installed even in wetlands.

Opportunities of petrol units

Generators that run on gasoline likecan be understood from the reviews, are applied most often. The power of such equipment varies from 0.5 kW to 100 kW. Among the advantages are simplicity and versatility, low weight, low price. Also, the reviews point out the possibility of welding at low temperatures.

diesel welding machine
However, there are drawbacks. The reviews indicate a relatively short service life and high fuel consumption. Depending on the manufacturer and model, gasoline generators can efficiently operate from 500 to 3000 hours. As for fuel consumption, for the production of 1 kW of energy, about 5.5 liters of fuel is needed. This is very much.

Diesel devices

Reviews say that devices of this type canto connect metals even at high loads, which can not be provided by gasoline devices. Such a mechanism is not suitable for use in everyday life and for private use. The initial capacity of this equipment is from 5 kW.

characteristics of welding units
Among the advantages are highcharacteristics of welding units of this kind, stability, the ability to work under heavy loads. Motor resource - up to 40 000 hours. Another serious plus is fuel consumption. If the gasoline generator required 5.5 liters of fuel, then no more than 300 ml will be spent on 1 kW.

welding units price
But there are also disadvantages. This is a high cost (often 3-5 times more expensive). Due to the peculiarity of the fuel, the engine does not start properly at low temperatures. In this regard, gasoline units are more practical.

Market Review

On the modern Russian marketa large selection of such equipment. Mostly these are gasoline and diesel mobile devices for household use. Often these are universal units that can be used for any type of welding work. For those wishing to purchase such welding units, the price starts from 50 thousand rubles for gasoline models. Model ADD 4004 is offered at a price of 188 thousand rubles. The maximum cost is 850 thousand rubles.

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