/ / The period of storage of personnel documents is determined by the List of archival documents

The period of storage of personnel documents is determined by the List of archival documents

The document is considered to be documentedinformation recorded on a physical medium and having the requisites, due to which its identification is carried out. For the organization of quick search and proper storage of documents relating to personnel, the personnel management service must compile and approve its Nomenclature of Cases on a single unified system in force in the organization. The terms of storage of the personnel documentation, as specified in clause 75 of GOST R 51141-98, are established by the Nomenclature of the organization's affairs, which is drawn up taking into account the storage periods specified in the List of typical archive management documents formed as a result of the activities of various authorities and organizations (approved 25.08. 2010 Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation No. 558).

The Personnel Management Service forms personalthe case of all employees of the organization. According to the List, the terms of keeping orders for personnel are 75 years, after which, according to the decision of the EPC (special expert-checking commission), they are disposed of. This applies to Orders, orders and other documents related to them (information in the form of certificates, summaries, reports):

  • on admission, combination, transfer, transfer, dismissal;
  • on raising the level of qualification, on attestation, on awarding titles (ranks);
  • about awards and promotions;
  • on remuneration of labor, on various payments and bonuses;
  • on leave, which is provided for the care of a child;
  • on leave without pay;
  • about change of a surname;
  • on various kinds of holidays for those who work in heavy, dangerous and harmful working conditions;
  • On the duty associated with the main activity;
  • on long-term business trips (domestically and abroad);
  • on business trips of employees working in difficult, dangerous and harmful working conditions.

For cases containing a different category of Orders,orders and various documented information (relating to them, summaries, references, information or reports) relating to annual planned and paid holidays, disciplinary penalties, training leave, duty schedules, short-term business trips (domestic or foreign), the List establishes 5-year terms of storage of personnel documents.

In a folder under one cover,place only those documents for which the Nomenclature has the same terms of storage of personnel documents. All of them are arranged in a strict order. The case begins to form with a request for employment. Then it is supplemented with a direction for negotiations or presentation to the employee, a questionnaire and a list of personnel records with additions to the personal leaflet on incentives and personnel records. In the case there is necessarily a document on education, as well as an autobiography. Extracts from orders for the transfer, new appointment or dismissal of an employee, as well as characteristics, certificate-objective and other documents relating to a particular employee, are included in the case by a separate group. All documents in the case are arranged in chronological order.

Each statement (complaint) and materials aboutconsideration (if they do not deal with the issues of improving production activities) refer to the documents of the personnel service and are included in the case by an independent group separated by a separator sheet. When the application (complaint) is received again or if additional materials arise, they are bound to this group. Documents are arranged in alphabetical or chronological order. For this category of cases, the terms of storage of personnel documents are also established by the Nomenclature, taking into account the List approved by Order No. 558. The cover of each case is necessarily indicated by numerical or alphabetic indexation and, of course, the storage terms of personnel documents.

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