/ / Village: how to make money in the village? Agriculture

Village: how to earn money in the village? Agriculture

Probably one of the most difficult, but at the same timeThe time for interesting places to develop your own business is the village. How to earn money in the village? Many entrepreneurs refuse to even think about this, arguing that there are practically no opportunities for real earnings outside the city limits. But is it? Especially for you, we analyzed and selected the most promising ideas for the development of your own business in the village.

Idea number 1. Sawmill

Despite the fact that the sawmill is far from beingthe most profitable business in the village, not to mention this variant of earnings would be simply blasphemous. After all, absolutely no complications in terms of organization in this case will not be. All you need is a woodworking workshop, machine tools and trained carpenters.

village how to earn in the village

Idea number 2. Mobile shop

This is another interesting way to make money.money in the village. Especially relevant is the idea in the warm season - during this period the population of the village can significantly increase at the expense of citizens who come to rest. As a rule, local retail outlets in late spring and summer simply can not cope with a huge influx of customers, and therefore a mobile store will be able to bring you a good income.

Idea # 3: Tourism

For residents of modern megacities the onlya place where you can enjoy the proximity of nature, relax from the constant hustle and bustle, is the village. How to earn in the village, knowing this? The answer lies on the surface - the tourist business in the province has always remained one of the least costly and profitable businesses.

Of course, those who are ready to escape from civilizationfor good, there is not so much, but because the presence of the Internet and mobile communications will be a huge plus to the picturesque lake, green, fresh with freshness, wood and the opportunity to ski on winter days.

In fairness, it is worth mentioning about someminuses of this business - in particular, you will need quite a large investment in the rental of village houses and advertising. In addition, there is a certain dependence on weather and other factors - there is always a risk not to find customers for the whole season.

business in the countryside

Idea No. 4. Breeding animals

Livestock is a profitable business in the village, althoughand quite difficult. Much depends on the scale: in order to reach a high level of income, you will need to build a farmyard with an area of ​​at least 100 square meters, purchase piglets or other animals, feed. Optionally - open a shop for processing. However, the income will have to wait a long time, for several years, as it will have to wait until the animals grow up. You can increase profit by buying a smoker and selling smoked meat.

Idea No. 5. Growing mushrooms

Of course, nothing compares to a walk inmorning forest and independent collection of mushrooms. However, urban residents prefer to buy canned food and packaged mushrooms, without the time for such outings and trusting those who are better versed in different types of forest gifts. Therefore, their cultivation for sale is a really good income in the village with minimal costs and a stable average profitability.

Idea № 6. Beekeeping

It's amazing how many opportunitiesbefore the entrepreneurs a village. How to earn money in the village on breeding bees? Despite the complexity of organizing your own apiary, this business is worth it 100%. Before you start working, it is worth consulting with experienced beekeepers, or even better - to take a special course. The arrangement of an apiary for 40 hives and the purchase of all necessary equipment on average takes about 70-80 thousand rubles. From each hive, you can get from 20 to 50 kilograms of quality honey.

how to make money in the village

Idea number 7. Crop production

Agriculture is one of the oldest occupationsrights. Its development began even before our era. Nowadays, the cultivation of vegetables, fruits and grains is no less important. All calculations are based on the cultures with which you plan to work.

A rough idea of ​​costs andYou can get profit on the example of potatoes. The main investments are needed to buy potatoes. 10 thousand kilograms in autumn can be purchased at a wholesale price - 10 rubles per 1 kilogram. As a result, we get 100 thousand.

On average, from one kilogram of planted landpotato leaves 5 kilograms on top. Remember that in order to calculate profits, you will have to pay off the costs of purchasing or renting a large piece of land, as well as transportation and diesel fuel for planting and subsequent harvesting.


The idea number 8. Dairy production

Milk production is another interesting ideafor those who think about how you can earn in the village. The main expense in this case is the purchase of cows. On average, one animal can be purchased for 8,000 rubles. In order for such a business in the village to bring you tangible income, you need at least 10 cows - this will allow you to get up to 10 liters of milk per day from each.

Among the main advantages of this typeactivity is worth highlighting the fact that in the summer you will not have to spend money on the purchase of feeds - animals can be fully exported to pastures that are near any village. If you harvest food for the winter on your own, then the costs can be limited only by transportation services.

Root crops, straw and grain for mixed fodders can be purchased at wholesale prices or grown on their own or rented plots.

In addition, you need a machine for storage and transportation of milk, specialized equipment (separator, churn, etc.).

how you can earn in the village

Idea No. 9. Breeding worms

Are you surprised? Meanwhile, this is a fairly lucrative business in the village, because the demand for certain breeds of worms and the products of their livelihoods used as fertilizers is growing every year. Especially in demand Californian worms.

Idea number 10. Opening the Internet salon

Distracted from the "traditional" ways of earning invillage and talk about how they can earn in the province of those who are completely not attracted to agriculture. One option is to open an Internet club with high-speed access to the network and a fairly large number of computers. High technologies are being introduced into the life of modern man more and more, and if a few dozen years ago the villages were, as it were, "divorced from the world", now the situation has dramatically changed - people communicate in social networks, search for useful information, play and work on the Internet. And this means that you will never have a lack of clients.

The idea number 11. Needlework

And this option is suitable for creative natures,people who like to do something with their own hands. At your disposal - priceless gifts of mother nature, beautiful and "live" materials. You can choose one of the many directions. Here are just a few ideas that should be adopted:

  • weaving furniture and making crafts from straw, willow rods, vines;
  • creation of cute souvenirs made of wood and pebbles;
  • manufacture of garden ornaments and cottage figures from a polymeric stone and gypsum.

It is possible to master these classes quite quickly, and incities such handmade is sold very expensive. You can run a mass production of crafts and decor items - for this you will need to find interested people, train them and equip your home with a place to work.

In addition to general control and guidance, the organization of an advertising campaign, the search for a sales market and the establishment of connections with points of sale will also be on your shoulders.

earnings in the countryside

Idea number 12. Eco-camping

In contrast to the usual agrotourism, in this caseyou do not have to spend money on renting or buying houses, because it's about organizing an unforgettable holiday with tents, which is so much appreciated by residents of noisy metropolises. It is noteworthy that it is not necessary to go through the registration procedure and formalize your activity in this case - unless in case you plan to hang bright posters and advertising signs around the whole area.

Nevertheless, without good advertising can not do: The most powerful source of clients will be the Internet. You can create your own small website or blog, promote it in your region by competently matched key queries. An important psychological aspect is the placement of high-quality, large and truly beautiful photographs. Ads can be placed on third-party resources: profile forums, blog platforms, social networking groups and so on.

It is important to think over the additional services andentertainment: they will be your trump card in the competition. It can be a variety of walks and excursions, interesting games and quests for young people, the performance of rural work unaccustomed to the townspeople.

profitable business in the countryside

Idea # 13. Sale of exclusive products

This is just the situation when the quantitybuyers does not matter - given the specificity of the products, there will not be too many. Nevertheless, the buyer will find even the most unusual goods. Shopping centers and prestigious restaurants are ready to buy similar products in whole lots, even with a huge surcharge, because, by offering their customers something unusual, new, they, in turn, make the "course of the horse" in the competitive struggle.

Idea # 14. Installation of a mini boiler room

And the last for today business idea, which can beto realize in the village conditions is the installation and start-up on its site of its own mini-boiler house. This option is relevant for the private sector without hot water supply and heating. The cost of such equipment is from 1000 dollars, and as fuel can be used firewood, gasoline or chips. Another 3-4 thousand dollars will be required for pipes to the houses of neighbors who agreed to pay for hot water (from $ 25 monthly).

Now you know about how many unusual and interesting ways of earning the entrepreneur gives the village.

How to earn money in the village? Try, experiment and share ideas and stories of your success!

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