/ / How to grow broilers at home correctly

How to grow broilers at home correctly

From broiler chicken eggsmuch more capricious. They require increased attention when nursing and feeding. Therefore, owners of holiday homes and private homes often raise the question of how to grow broilers at home with the least loss.

how to grow broilers at home
The first thing you need to pay attention to isthe correct purchase of young animals. Are sold as chickens of one-day, and 5-15-day-old age. The first experienced breeders of chickens do not advise buying. Although they sometimes cost two or three times cheaper, it is unlikely that you will be able to save at least half of the young. Chickens of this age are very weak and die almost on "any occasion".

The question of how to grow broilers in domesticconditions, it will be simpler if you buy them at least in the 5-day-old age. In this case, each chicken should be examined, culling out all the slow-moving, with the stiff fluff and dull concealed eyes. This young will surely die, and you'll just waste your money.

To bring out such chickens at homeis impossible. The fact is that the broiler is not a breed, but a hybrid, and its remarkable meat characteristics are not inherited by inheritance. Even if the chicken sits on eggs, the offspring will lag far behind in weight gain from the parents.

feeding chickens at home
So, you have acquired a healthy and fairly activeyoung growth. How to grow broilers at home, while preserving as many chicks as possible? The first thing to do is to prepare a "dwelling" for them. It is best to use a plywood box or cardboard box. Inside, a feeder and a drinking bowl are installed, above which the incandescent lamp is fixed. The first week the temperature of the air in the box should not fall below 30 degrees. Celsius. Lighting is held around the clock. If the heat of the lamp is not enough, an additional heater is installed.

Feeding of broiler chickens at home -the process is sufficiently responsible. The final result depends on the quality and correctness of the chosen diet. In the early days the chickens are given millet, eggs, cottage cheese and oatmeal.

broiler chickens
Also in the finely divided form are fed wheat,oats and barley. The ratio of grain in the total diet should be about 60 percent. In addition, it is necessary to give and cut grass, as well as vegetable flour of high quality.

From the age of ten in the diet begininclude fish wastes, meals and cake. With twenty-day 20% of cereals replaced with potatoes, which are boiled and mashed, add to the pouches. Broiler chickens can not do without vitamin supplements. Include them in the same buns. Quite simply it is possible to prepare a very effective trivitamin. To do this, you need oil solutions of vitamins D2, A and E. Two teaspoons of each diluted in half a liter of vegetable oil. The resulting additive is stored in the refrigerator.

So, how to grow broilers at homeconditions, you now know. This is a complicated matter, but with the right approach it is possible to achieve simply excellent results. Growing broilers finish at about 2 months of age. At this time they gain their full weight, and fattening them in the future is considered inexpedient.

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