/ / Administrative staff is a necessary link in the business chain

Administrative staff is a necessary link in the business chain

Till now some businessmen consider, thatAdministrative staff is a waste of money and unnecessary bureaucracy. However, such a statement is valid only for very small firms, where the manager takes on all the responsibilities. In fact, administrative staff is an important link in the business chain. It is he who organizes the work of the enterprise, is responsible for its communication with the outside world, for the timely implementation of contracts, orders, monitors the receipt of payments.

administrative staff is

Even the absence of a secretary for one day,office manager, personal assistant shows how necessary in the business administrative staff. The positions that we named above are the main jobs of this type. However, they are not limited to these types of activities. Who belongs to the administrative staff along with the secretary? Clerk, call center employee, office manager, personal assistant, secretary-interpreter. It is a mistake to believe that any person can perform such work after short-term courses. In order to qualitatively organize the activities of the enterprise, not only personal qualities, such as diplomacy, objectivity, punctuality are needed.

administrative staff
Administrative personnel are persons who haveaccess to very important information, on which the functioning of the whole firm often depends. Consequently, competent office work, fast printing, accuracy, conscientiousness and organizational skills are simply necessary. In addition, special knowledge is also needed. Ideally, administrative personnel are employees with higher education, not necessarily profile. The main requirement will be the ability to handle important information and documents.

who belongs to the administrative staff

Office manager, other than presentable externalkind and manners, should also competently communicate with the visitors of the enterprise, because among them there will be both partners and potential customers. Sometimes such a specialist is also entrusted with the promotion of goods or services of the company. In any case, it is he who coordinates the work of all services and communication with the manager. He is also responsible for keeping the working schedule, for scheduling meetings and negotiations. The personal assistant assists the manager in organizing business trips around the country and abroad. Entrepreneurs try to choose for this position a person with knowledge of foreign languages, business etiquette, competent and punctual. As a rule, women serve as secretaries and assistants, however, contrary to popular belief, they are not young, but educated ladies over 25 years of age. But an office manager can be a man, it all depends on the industry. An additional advantage will be not only work experience, but also professional knowledge in the field of document management. Surprisingly, but with all the abundance of literate and educated specialists, young graduates of higher educational institutions find qualified administrative personnel - this is not an easy task. After all, not only profile knowledge is important, but also personal qualities: non-conflict, objectivity, ability to obey and lead, organizational abilities.

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