/ / Developed AIC is a way to meet the demand for food

Developed AIC is a way to meet the demand for food

Many years ago, Maslow invented a pyramid, inwhich, according to the degree of significance, distributed the goods needed by man. One of the priority is the need for food. We receive foodstuffs thanks to agriculture, which, in turn, is a part of the branches of the agrarian industrial complex (AIC). Every year the world demand for food grows, the number of hungry people increases daily. Taking into account this and its internal needs, the AIC of Russia works not only to ensure food security inside the country, but also delivers food outside the country. A positive aspect in the agricultural activities of the federation is the size of the territory and the availability of different temperature regions. This allows you to grow a huge number of products, almost refusing to import.

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The notion of agribusiness. His spheres

AIC is a harmonious and well-coordinated workbranches, which aim to meet the needs of the population in food. In addition, this tandem supplies a variety of raw materials in the industry, as well as solves social issues.

AIC is a complex consisting of three spheres. The first united the branches involved in the direct supply of agriculture with the means of production necessary for it. These include machinery, equipment, various equipment and so on. The second area is agriculture - the largest of all three. Its share in the AIC is at least 70% of the total volume of the complex. Procurement, transportation, processing, storage, packaging, sales of products are carried out by a set of branches of the third sphere.

So it was a few years ago. At the present stage, in the developed agrarian complex, the fourth sphere, infrastructure, is also singled out. It has united industries that do not produce any products and materials on their own, but have a huge impact on people's lives in rural areas. These include: social (schools, kindergartens), service (mail, shops, hairdressers), information (television and radio) and other branches.

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Subcomplexes and links of agroindustrial complex

The structure of the agro-industrial complex includes two main subcomplexes:

  1. Food - this unit produces and sells food (fruits, vegetables, meat, milk, wine, etc.).
  2. Raw material - this subcomplex supplies the industry with the necessary agricultural raw materials (cotton, linen, etc.).

APK - is a kind of pyramid, consisting ofseveral steps. The earliest element in the formation of this complex has been and still is the personal subsidiary plots, farms, all kinds of agricultural partnerships and associations. Then followed by large cooperatives and collective farms. All this is united in the agro-industrial complex of the region, then the region and the country.

Economy of the agro-industrial complex

AIC is a "family" united by a divisionlabor industries, which, depending on the demand for food, try to satisfy this demand. There are many sciences involved in the study of this complex. Thus, the economy of the agroindustrial complex reveals the rationality of using certain types of resources to obtain any final product. This section of the national economy also finds ways to improve, develop and improve the efficiency of the complex and all its branches. It is the economy that determines: in an intensive or extensive way, there is progress in the activities of the agricultural sector of any country.

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In many developed countries in agriculturea huge number of people are employed. It is the scale of the agro-industrial complex that has an impact on the well-being, the standard of living of the population and ensuring the country's food security.

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