/ / MI-26: the largest helicopter in the world

MI-26: the largest helicopter in the world

The largest helicopters in the world are different beforeall in weight, not the length, width or diameter of the screw. If to judge by this criterion, then the leading position in this plan belongs to the domestic representative - MI-26. The machine is one of the few on the planet that is capable of lifting heavy loads equal to its own. The model is commercially produced even now, despite the fact that the development of the giant was carried out in the mid-seventies of the last century. The largest helicopter in the world is usually used in medical, as well as military transport and civil transport purposes. Over the time, more than three hundred units of this model were built, which are now used in many countries in all corners of the planet.

The largest helicopters in the world

History of creation

The need to develop a new model wasdictated by the needs not only of the Soviet army, but also of the national economy. The government of the country put forward the requirement that the novelty should have the ability to transport cargo weighing up to 20 tons at a distance of up to 500 kilometers and perform other tasks at distances of up to 1000 kilometers. At the same time, the model was supposed to replace the largest helicopter in the world for the time that MI6 was. The mock-up was adopted by the state commission in 1975. Two years later the first copy of the model was taken up in the air, where he spent about three minutes. Initially, only military modifications were built, and a few years later, the creation of civilian versions also started.

Big Mi helicopter


The largest MI-26 helicopter is installedThe power plant, which consists of two turbocharged D-136 engines. Its total capacity is 22,000 horsepower. Motors were developed and created specifically for this model by the Zaporozhye company "Motor Sich". The engines are so strong that they are able to lift a cargo weighing 20 tons together with a 40 ton truck (taking into account 12 tons of fuel) and transport it to a distance of up to 2350 km. Fuel consumption of the power plant is a little more than 3 tons of fuel per hour of work, while the cost of one flight hour is estimated at 600,000 rubles. The largest helicopter in the world has a cargo cabin 12 m long and a little more than 3 m in width. Its useful area makes it possible to transport almost any military equipment, the loading of which takes place through the tailgate on its own. The machine can simultaneously carry 68 paratroopers or 82 soldiers, and special equipment allows in the shortest possible time to convert it into a medical helicopter, accommodating up to 60 wounded on stretchers and three medical workers.

The largest helicopter in the world

Civic modification

The civilian version of the model was namedMI-26T. Its production started in early 1985. Unlike its military version, the car has been changed navigation system, and there are no installations designed for the location of small arms. In addition, the world's largest civilian helicopter has acquired an external suspension system, the main function of which is the ability to transport standard sized sea containers without attracting riggers. In addition, the modification also has an automatic gripper, which makes it easy to move large diameter pipes, and also transport timber produced in mountainous terrain.

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