/ / Routing. General rules of drawing up and registration

Routing. General rules of drawing up and registration

The technological map is the basetechnological and organizational document in production. It should contain a set of mandatory and basic activities and procedures that will contribute to the optimal organization of work.

When compiling a technological map, it is necessarytake into account the most effective use of modern and effective means and methods of mechanization, tools, tools and equipment. It includes, in addition, the most rational and progressive methods and technologies of construction and production, which will help to reduce the final terms and improve the quality of the product and work, as well as reduce costs.

Consequently, the correctly formulatedthe technological map should ensure not only high-quality and economical, but also safe, absolutely performance of all works. The fact is that, among other things, it contains regulatory and safety requirements. Moreover, the availability of production cards and their application will predetermine the competitiveness and power of the organization.

The technological map should be prepared taking into account the following rules, which will be able to provide the organization with real help when preparing and drafting:

Firstly, it is recommended to write it only on standard forms, which are standard sheets of paper that have the format "twelve".

Secondly, the technological map should be printed on one side of the sheet taking into account a number of requirements for design:

  • in an interval of one and a half,
  • fixed width of fields (left - 3.5 cm, right - about 10 mm, top and bottom - not less than 2 cm);
  • sections must necessarily be numbered using Arabic numerals and subdivided into subsections and paragraphs;
  • system of graphical materials (diagrams, graphs, drawings), which are included in the composition of such maps, must be traced using carcasses, making them optimally clear and clear for understanding;
  • in the illustrations, the content of unnecessary designations, sizes and other things is inadmissible.

Thirdly, it is recommended to compose the document in descriptive form, illustrating and explaining as much as possible the graphic and tabular materials. They should not be repeated.

Fourth, a technological map on technologyis a form in the forty-eighth format. Basic information should be included in it. These are the main technological parameters, which are contained in special sections. They need to be done at least ten.

Completed document after approval procedurecan become a fundamental one. The technological map of production is a mandatory guide for any work. It must be hung out in the shop, in a special form.

Fifth, the technological map must be stamped, in which the following information is necessary:

  • name;
  • the name of the organization that developed the map;
  • the signature of the executor and the head of the organization;
  • date of approval.

In completing this document, the basic principle is that it is necessary to be guided in this process by the current legislation of the country and the system of normative documents.

The preparation of technological maps is notsuch a laborious and complex process. But, at the same time, management is recommended to instruct it to develop a professional organization that specializes in filling them. But if the company has a department of qualified engineers-experts, then there will be an opportunity to do it on their own.

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