/ / Samara Metallurgical Plant: history, production, products

Samara Metallurgical Plant: History, Production, Products

JSC "Samara Metallurgical Plant" (SMZ) -leading domestic enterprise in the field of aluminum production and manufacturing on its basis a variety of products and semi-finished products. Since 2005 it is a structural subdivision of the international corporation Alcoa.

Samara Metallurgical Plant


Construction of the Samara Metallurgical Plantwas due to the sharp demand for aluminum products that arose after the end of World War II. Once expensive, little-used metal during the Second World War proved itself to be relatively light, corrosion-resistant, and durable material. Technologies were developed to facilitate its smelting and reduce the cost price.

In the late 1940s, the government consideredconstruction of a large combine for the production of semi-finished products from aluminum (sheet rolled products, ribbons, packages, stamping, finished products). The city of Kuibyshev (now Samara) is chosen as the location for the new plant, which has a high human and technological potential.

The largest in Europe

After the necessary geological surveys andthe development of a technical project in 1951 began excavation work to clear foundation pits under the foundations of future production buildings. Since the project was a priority, construction was carried out at a faster pace. According to the plans, SMZ should outshine all existing similar enterprises in productivity not only in the USSR, but also in Europe.

The first among the shops was the repair-mechanical(1953). Its capacities were used to manufacture non-standard structures and equipment for the needs of the Samara Metallurgical Plant. After 2 years, the mold casting workshop was completely built, the factory laboratory was organized. Parallel to the construction of housing for workers and housing social and cultural facilities.

Samara Metallurgical Plant SMZ


In 1955 the main foundry - the heart of the enterprise - was delivered. It was equipped with the latest units for its time:

  • Smelting-foundry with mechanical charge of charge.
  • Electrified wells for homogenization of aluminum with air circulation and automatic regulation of melting temperature.
  • Flow lines of machining of the smelted ingots.

The first ingot metallurgists poured on November 4. A month later, the production went on a series work.


In 1956, the rod-profile section was ready for work. It is also equipped with unique machines:

  • High-performance stretching systems for straightening panels and extruded aluminum profiles.
  • Circular saws.
  • Vertical hardening furnaces.
  • Heavy-duty horizontal hydraulic presses with a force of 5000 tons.

03/6/1956 at the Samara Metallurgical Plant, the first press was put into operation. By the end of the year, another six similar presses were operating.

Samara Iron and Steel Works

Pipe production

In addition to the production of sheet aluminum andingots, the task of the newly formed enterprise was the production of pipe products. The tube rolling shop was launched on 2.02.1958. On 3500-ton presses from alloy AV began to make preparations, on March, 12th the rolling of ready pipes began. In a short time, the range of the shop has expanded considerably.

The plant's innovations did not go unnoticed. For the introduction of advanced techniques for manufacturing aluminum tube billets, as well as mastering the production of high-strength drill pipes, the team was awarded with a diploma of the 1st degree of VDNH.


Since 1954 at the Samara Metallurgical Plant(SMZ) was building, perhaps, the main shop - sheet rolling. For long 4 years, builders erected production buildings, and installers installed and set up complex equipment.

The basis was taken by semicontinuous rollingbillet from one heating - technology for the USSR is unique. To carry out the rental of aluminum sheet, 2 reversible mills and a unique two-cell mill, called "Tandem-2800", are used. To produce sheets of variable cross-section, a wedge mill is used. The first ingot was rolled on December 28 - the factory workers met the new 1958 year.

Samara Metallurgical Plant SMZ OJSC

Further development

Thus, the mainproduction of the Samara Metallurgical Plant. The main equipment in the modernized form is still used for production. Since 1959, his work is being conducted by a forging and pressing workshop. On its 6000-ton presses, large forging, panels, profiles, pipes, rods are produced. This period includes the creation of adjacent workshops:

  • electrical workshop;
  • repair and construction;
  • repair and installation;
  • railway.

On 5.07.1960 the government commission officially took the SMZ into operation, although the actual work of the plant began several years earlier.

In subsequent years, production was the mainsupplier of aluminum blanks for aviation plants in the country. With the acquisition of independence of Russia, the enterprise was corporatized. In 2005, SMZ was acquired by transnational corporation Alcoa, which is one of the world leaders in the field of aluminum smelting and manufacturing of products based on it. The plant continues to develop dynamically.


Today the factory is engaged in manufacturing:

  • Tape canned, hull, painted.
  • Plates, sheets, rolls.
  • Aluminum chutes.
  • Forging, stamping.
  • Pipe.
  • Panels, profiles, stripes.
  • Hexagons, squares, rods.

The address of the Samara Metallurgical Plant: 443051, Russia, Samara, Alma-Ata Street, 29.

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