/ / Larisa Kopenkina: biography, photo. Son of Larisa Kopenkina

Larisa Kopenkina: biography, photo. Son of Larisa Kopenkina

 larissa kopenkina biography
Unequal marriages have always resonated insociety. And the unions of celebrities are doubling the interest of the townsfolk. Who is Larissa Kopenkina? Her biography was unknown to anyone until recently. And today her name is surrounded by a halo of scandal. What happened in the life of this, at first glance, ordinary woman? She married Prokhor Chaliapin, the same one who still pretends to be the descendant of the famous opera singer Fedor Chaliapin. How does the public relate to this story? What do the relatives of the newlyweds say about the couple? How are spouses living today? Let's try to answer these questions.

Who is Larissa Kopenkina?

Until recently, nothing was known aboutthis is no longer a young woman with a neat hair and blue eyes. And now only talk in the press about a certain Larissa Kopenkina. Who is she? What does he do? Why suddenly fell on her popularity? It turns out that she became known after the wedding with the famous singer Prokhor Shalyapin. It would seem that there is unusual? Marriage with a star is not such a strange thing for us. The problem is that Larissa's chosen one is only 30 years old. He is young, handsome and talented. What attracted the famous singer in this woman, which suits him in the mother? What is this: true love or hard calculation? Let's try to find out.

Businesswoman Larisa Kopenkina: biography

Our heroine was born in Moscow on September 13, 1962of the year. It is known about her that the woman has already been married several times. Her first marriage was crowned with the birth of her son Yuri. Now the young man is engaged in the organization of collective events. Larisa Kopenkina herself, whose biography abounds with the facts of ups and downs, is now a secured woman. She made her multi-million dollar fortune on elite real estate. Being the owner of a real estate company, Larissa has made many deals with famous artists. Her interest in the life of Russian "celebrities", perhaps, contributed to the development of relations with the young beginning singer.

Larissa Copenkin does

Extravagant fiance

And what about himself is Prokhor Chaliapin, onthe whole world declaring love for an elderly woman? He says that for him it does not matter who Larissa Kopenkina is, what she does, how much money she has. The main thing, according to the words of the young artist, is their love and far-reaching plans for a joint future. At one time Prokhor was a participant of many musical competitions. Known he became after the release of the television show "Star Factory-6". Prokhor became a finalist of the program. Here he was spotted in a scandal using his pseudonym. As you know, his real name is Zakharenkov. The young artist, appearing on television, announced that he was a descendant of the famous opera singer Fyodor Chaliapin. He took his last name and then acted under it. Prokhor more than once shocked the public with his scandalous antics. His extraordinary nature could not be overlooked by the press. It is known that he already had a marriage with an aged woman. This happened when the beginning artist was only 18 years old. In addition, the young handsome had a relationship with the seventy-year-old Svetlana Svetlichnaya. It seems that his desire to shock the public prevails over common sense. Then he had a relationship with the model and singer Adeline Sharipova. But they did not last long. And in the past year Prokhor again excelled, so much so that he shocked everyone around. His romance with an elderly businesswoman, and then the wedding made a lot of noise in the press. The magazine "7 Days" included this vivid event in the top ten most notorious scandals of celebrities in 2013.

Larisa Kopenkina: a wedding with Prokhor Shalyapin

son of larissa kopenkina
How did these people get acquainted? How did their relationship develop into love and marriage? The acquaintance of Larissa and Prokhor took place in Jamaica during the rest. The actor claims that it was love from his side at first sight. Roman unfolded swiftly, continued in Moscow. And here on December 3, 2013 in the Kutuzov registry office of the capital were officially registered their relationship. The witness from the groom was Bari Alibasov, from the bride - TV presenter and writer Lena Lenina. At the ceremony, the newlyweds were all in white. Larissa had a long elegant dress with a deep neckline. And Prokhor put on a snow-white suit for this occasion. For a woman, this is the fourth marriage in life (although all sources contain different information on this matter). However, it does not bother her at all, just like the age of her chosen one. As a present, my beloved Kopenkina presented an apartment in Moscow, the cost of which is estimated at 18 million rubles. However, Prokhor does not hurry to accept this gift. By refusing him, he hopes to convince his stepson, Yuri, to believe in his love for his mother.

larissa kopenkina wedding

Dreams of a joint child

What is not enough for the couple to be completely happy? Of course, a joint child. Age of Larissa does not allow to produce offspring. However, more recently, the couple said that in the near future they are going to use the services of a surrogate mother. A newly-made wife assures her young husband that she can give birth to a child. It is only the intervention of doctors that will help her to become pregnant.

The son of Larissa about his stepfather

The whole public is buzzing like a hive. At all only and conversations on unequal marriage between the singer and бизнесвумен. It's interesting, but how does the couple's relatives treat their decision to unite themselves by marriage? It is known that the son of Larisa Kopenkina expresses herself sharply against such kinship. He absolutely does not believe in Prokhor's sincerity, considering him a gigolo and gigolo. Yuri says that the young handsome man was attracted by millions of his middle-aged mother, and not at all sympathy for her. He is sure that very soon the singer will leave Larisa, and the tears of the poor woman will have to be wiped out to him, her only son. At the wedding of his mother, he came in a black turtleneck, saying that this day was for him a mourning. How does Father Yuri belong to the chosen one of his ex-wife? The man says that he approves the choice of his son's mother and wishes her happiness. "Larissa is an adult woman and she is free to make decisions in her life," assures the ex-husband.

larissa kopenkina photo biography

Mutual relations with the mother-in-law

But the mother of Prokhor Chaliapin - Elena Ivanovna -spoke sharply about the choice of her son. She completely disagrees with his decision to legitimize relations with such an adult woman. Only Prokhor does not want to listen to his mother's advice. He assures everyone that he fell hopelessly in love, and the wedding with Larissa made him the happiest person on earth. Elena Ivanovna accuses her new daughter-in-law of all sins. She claims that Larisa Kopenkina, whose biography speaks of the lady's frivolity, has bewitched her son. "This adult auntie uses a poor boy for her own purposes," she says. A woman complains that her grandchildren will not wait. Conversations of lovers about the possibility that their baby will soon appear in their family, have led Prokhor's mother into a state of shock.

Plastic surgery in the life of a businesswoman

business woomen larisa kopenkina biography
What the woman will not do to keepmy man. For the sake of love, the fairer sex risks health and life. This is doubly doubly true when it comes to an unequal marriage between a young man and a woman twice his age. Prokhor assures everyone around him that for him there is no one more beautiful than Larissa Kopenkina. "She does not spoil her age at all," says handsome. However, the newly-made wife understands that, probably, soon her husband will pull on tasty and young girls. She must outshine everyone so that her husband will not notice anyone. What will help a woman to regain youth? Of course, plastic surgery. The couple turned to a specialist in Moscow, Hayk Babayan, in Moscow with a request to help. At first, Larissa wanted to limit herself to only the so-called "beauty injections". However, the surgeon convinced her that really high results can be achieved only if you use plastic. In the clinic, the woman underwent the following operations: blepharoplasty and circular facelift. How successful these procedures were, viewers can evaluate in the near future. After all, a businesswoman likes to upload photos to the network. Now Larissa is thinking about doing a breast lift and liposuction.

larisa copenkina age

Psychics about an extraordinary couple

I wonder how long they will be happy in marriageProkhor Chaliapin and Larisa Kopenkina? The biography of one and the other abounds in scandalous facts. It is known that in Larisa this is not the first official marriage. In addition, she also had civil husbands. As you can see, a woman has never suffered from loneliness. And Prokhor already had relations with women, much older than him. The answer is how long their union can be, perhaps, only psychics. The expert on magic Marina Zenkovskaya claims that Larissa has bewitched her young boyfriend. And now, as the psychic says, a middle-aged woman is fueled by her husband's energy. Indeed, recently one can observe how Larissa simply shines with happiness. All the joint photos of the couple talk about this. But the winner of the Battle of Psychics Alexander Litvin is sure that the marriage of this couple will be long-lived, since it is built on the basis of calculation. The young artist needs money, and the elderly businessman is the youth and energy of her husband.

We tried to find out who Larisa Kopenkina is. Photos, biography, opinions of people about her - everything can be found in this article.

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