New Niva Chevrolet. Overview
New Niva promises to be the cheapestdomestic SUV. Its design was developed by the famous Italian studio Bertone. Contrary to the established opinion that Niva Chevrolet is no longer Niva, but not yet Chevrolet, popularity with the previous version was not so low.
Also, the new Niva received a more modernsecurity system. For the front passenger the airbag is installed, the pretensioners are modified. All this in conjunction with the new model of seats makes the movement on the car convenient and safe.
At more exacting inspection it is possible to notethe absence of large gaps between the body elements, easy operation of the doors, the headlights are set exactly and on one level. There is even such a usual VAZ "sore" as a big play in the door hinges. Everything is done qualitatively and conscientiously.
The same can be said about the salon. Unfortunately (although some may say that fortunately), the "spirit" of that good old Niva, to which everyone has become accustomed, almost completely disappeared in the interior. The interior design does not look utilitarian, and the presence of some strokes from Chevrolet reminds that it's not just Niva. According to the established VAZ tradition, the interior is dominated by plastic. However, the material that is hard to the touch looks like a soft texture.
On the quality of the interior is a criticismash tray cover and glove box cover. But considering that the price of the new Chevrolet Niva does not reach 500 thousand, it's simply ridiculous to complain about such shortcomings. Overall and the nice color of the upholstery of the seats, and a thick solid steering wheel with an adjustable column, and the decor on the doors have a pleasant ride.
By the way about it. However skeptical the owners of luxury SUVs are, the Russian "jeep" with equal ease overcomes both kilometers of city highways and the vicissitudes of rural roads. A compact car with its 80-liter off-road engine resembles a cross-country vehicle. As test drive Chevrolet Niva has shown, the car feels equally comfortable both in city conditions and in the conditions of the impassable impassability. All caustic remarks about the inconsistency of the mass of 1350 kg, full drive and engine power were ridiculous speculation. The car has a good potential, especially when in skillful hands.