Adjustment of carburetor VAZ 2108 in garage conditions
Carburetor VAZ 2108 - this is the detail without whichThe G8 simply can not continue its movement. If you do not have it, you will not be able to go or even get at least the minimum speed. Therefore this part always needs regular diagnostics and repair. One of such processes is the adjustment of the carburetor VAZ 2108. On how correctly you adjust this part, will depend on the car's power, fuel consumption and even the level of toxicity of exhaust gases. Therefore, all work should be done very carefully and carefully. And our article will help you in this.

Adjust the carburetor VAZ 2108
Adjustment of this part is not complete withoutpreparatory works. And, before proceeding directly to the process, you need to check the serviceability of the motor itself. Using a special compressometer we measure the compression in 4 cylinders. If the obtained data are significantly different from each other, adjustment of the carburetor VAZ (2108-099) will be useless. The source of trouble lies in the engine itself. If the compressometer has brought the same readings from all the cylinders, we turn to adjusting the carburetor. First, start the engine and wait until it gets its operating temperature (about 80-90 degrees Celsius). After the engine has warmed up, we take in the hands a special screw and reduce idle turns to a minimum. You need to adjust until the moment when you feel that the engine is about to die. Now turn off the ignition and screw the bolt amount of the mixture until it stops.
Further adjustment of the carburetor VAZ 2108is accompanied by a twisting of the fuel supply needle by ½ turn. After this, unscrew it for one full turn. If the frequency of rotation of the crankshaft is reduced, and the next twist is increased, you know - the engine is getting too poor mixture. When everything happens the other way around, the mixture comes out highly enriched.

Now rotate the bolt until there is a maximumrevolutions. When turning it in any direction the crankshaft began to rotate less, the mixture is depleted. If you want your car to consume less fuel, you can leave these values unchanged. However, remember that at the same time the risk of overheating increases substantially, since the fuel ignites only at high temperatures.

When the revolutions decrease when the screw is loosened,the mixture becomes uniquely saturated. In this case, the engine will not overheat, but fuel consumption will increase significantly. Therefore, it is always worthwhile to select the averaged values, so that adjustment of the carburetor VAZ 2108 was successful.
As you can see, you can configure this mechanism yourself.