/ / The light sensor in the car: what is it? How does the light sensor work in the car?

The light sensor in the car: what is it? How does the light sensor work in the car?

Automatic assistants in electronic stuffingThe car today covers almost all the functions of its management. This is more relevant to security systems, but with the advent of sensory sensory elements, the coverage of intelligent assistants has significantly expanded. So, the light sensor in the car becomes more popular. What is this device? This is a kind of detector that captures the threshold values ​​of illumination, under which the optics can automatically turn on or off. In more advanced systems, the sensor is also able to track lighting conditions in intermediate states, more precisely tuning the car equipment.

light sensor in the car what is it

What is a light sensor?

The sensor device can be divided into two parts -this is a typical electrical infrastructure, thanks to which the device is connected to the optics control relay, and the sensitive component. Connection to the relay enables the sensor to interact with car lights in a timely manner, activating their function in a timely manner. The main element of the device is the detector itself in the form of a photocell reacting to the lighting parameters. The most common autonomous light sensor in the car. How does this modification work? Its feature is independence from the main power grid. That is, the signal to the relay is received even in the event of failures on the trunking. Of course, it is possible to speak about the guarantee of the operability of this circuit only if the optics and the controlling controller are stable.

light sensor in the car what it is

Principle of operation of the device

During the movement of the car the sensor constantlycontrols the area entrusted to him, estimating the parameters of illumination. Usually this is the elementary brightness of light, on which the photocells respond. When the limit values ​​are reached, the sensor sends a signal to the above relay. In turn, the controller instructs the optics to turn on or, conversely, turn off. It is important to emphasize that the system operates not only on inclusion. Such systems are active safety devices, so activation of light in a dark alley, for example, is a key task of the device. But also when the luminance thresholds are fixed, the device switches off the optics. It is worth noting also the features of signal processing, which sends a light sensor in the car. How does the control unit work in this scheme? Initially, the chip is programmed to work on several channels associated with certain optics - lights, headlights, "fog lights", etc. Also, the sensors are responsible for specific zones conditionally associated with these channels. Thus, in each case, one or another group of optical devices of the machine is involved.

light sensor in the car

Zones of coverage

Basic separation involves processingsignals from two coverage zones. First of all, this is a global zone. It refers to the space directly from the car. The second zone is the front zone. It extends to the road section in front of the car. Modern models of sensors are able to distinguish these zones by sending appropriate signals to the relay. It would seem that if under the current conditions a reduced level of illumination is observed, optical devices corresponding to the traffic conditions must be activated. But the difference is precisely the features of the work of near and far-headlights, for which the light sensor in the car answers. What does this division mean in practice? In the absence of visibility, long-range headlights should be activated, and in the daytime - running lights with a passing beam. However, the boundary states between these illumination conditions are not always available for electronic fixation. Therefore, it is desirable that the sensor also provides for the ability to track intermediate light characteristics.

Sensor settings

Partly the task of dividing the boundary indications of illumination can be solved with the help of basic settings. As a rule, there are two modes of operation of the device:

  • In the twilight. The light is activated at dusk, when the night has not yet come, but it is already clearly darkening.
  • At night. The sensor turns on the headlights when full darkness sets in.

In some configurations,a specific purpose of the headlights, which under certain conditions includes a light sensor in the car. What is this in terms of signal processing electronics? These are program parameters that are logically processed in certain conditions. For example, in the first mode, the dipped beam will still work, and in the second mode, the far-headlights are activated.

Special versions of the sensor

light sensor in a car

There are sensor models that alsoare responsible for the regulation of light in the cabin. In particular, they do not simply include, but also control the brightness parameters of the instrument panel. Actually, the second function is paramount, since the panel works in any case. But in such systems with a heavy load signals to the relay may be a problem. So, according to users, the light sensor in the car "Kia Rio" is sinning with incorrect control of the illumination of the same instrument panel. For example, at night the system is fully justified to activate the driving beam, but in the interior the backlight can be switched on with maximum brightness, which causes the driver discomfort. Most often, such problems arise due to wiring violations or damage to the wiring - the resistance drops, resulting in inaccurate signals.


light sensor in the car how it works

First of all, the installation locations are defined. They can be two - or behind the rear view mirror in the windshield zone, or on the front panel - also near the windshield. In both cases, it is important to organize a free, unguarded space in which the light sensor in the car will work. With their own hands to perform the installation is not difficult - in the work involved complete fixing devices. In some cases, it is sufficient to perform gluing fastening, while in others it is enough to realize mechanical fixation with hardware.

Separate attention deserves wiring. It is desirable to shorten the cable as short as possible in a visible place and, if possible, directly from the sensor to start the instrument panel. The selector will be the end point to which the light sensor in the car is directly connected. What is this in the connection diagram of the detector with the control relay? The selector is a transition link, which performs a kind of preprocessing of the signal. It can adjust its parameters, determine the same channels of optics groups and eliminate interference.


light sensor in the car how it works

Presence of an automatic light regulatorit should not be taken as a guarantee of security - albeit in one aspect of management. There are dangers, which can carry a light sensor in the car. What does this mean for a motorist? Electronics in the form of automatic assistants gives a sense of third-party control, but this impression is deceptive. Indeed, in most cases such sensors are useful, but there is also a risk of failure of the electronics. And then the ill-timed inclusion of headlights can turn into a tragedy. Is it worth it because of this risk to refuse the light sensor? Perhaps not, but to rely only on its function in the management of optics certainly does not follow.

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