/ / Ford Kuga, reviews and features

Ford Kuga, reviews and features

Ford Kuga is an American car manufacturedcompany Ford Motors since 2008. To date, it exists only in the form of a five-door five-seat crossover. As for the internal filling, it can be equipped with a petrol 2.5 liter or diesel 2.0 liter engine and is equipped with a 6-speed MK or a 5-6-speed automatic transmission. In 2012, the car was updated, the second generation of modern design cars and new components came off the assembly line.

Let's consider more in detail technical characteristicscars modification Ford Kuga 2.5 t 4wd. This car is the most powerful of this series. It accelerates to 205 km / h, and to get the speed of 100 km / h, it only takes 8.8 seconds. The length of the crossover is 444.3 cm, width 1842 cm, and height, taking into account the railings 171 cm. The total mass of the car with 4 passengers, the driver and the load is 2130 kg. The minimum volume of the luggage compartment is 410 liters, with the rear seats retracted it increases by more than 3 times and reaches 1405 liters. The volume of the fuel tank is 56 liters, and the car also boasts a high clearance, which is equal to 196 mm. Depending on the type of gearbox, fuel consumption when driving on a mixed cycle will fluctuate within 9.9-10.3 liters. On 100 km of a way on a direct line it will spend 4,6-7,8 liters.


Ford Kuga attracts attention uniquedesign. Outwardly, it creates the impression of a strong, reliable wrestling machine, strong, but not heavy. As for reliability, this model pulls only 4 on a five-point system, since breakages, although infrequently, but still annoy the owners. However, breakdowns - it's still half the battle, much more worried about the need to wait for the necessary parts 1-1,5 months.

To fans to come off at a traffic light from a stream hardlyDo you like the dynamics of overclocking the car Ford Kuga. Reviews indicate that the car is gaining speed quite slowly, though much depends on the type of engine. Part of this is due to the fact that the car has a 6-speed gearbox. Some comments concern the decoration and decoration of the car interior Ford Kuga. The owners' testimonies testify that the complaints concern the organization of the driver's working space, in which there are no trays, compartments and other places for storing the necessary trifles, be it keys, cellular or documents. In addition, the overview is hampered by wide front posts. Insufficient sound insulation is another drawback of the Ford Kuga. The reviews also show that, due to the design features, the interior is a bit tight.

However, the advantages of the machine are not less, andmuch more than flaws. In the salon, many people note comfortable seats that support the back and waist when traveling. Economical fuel consumption also pleases car owners Ford Kuga. Reviews indicate that the minimum consumption is about 5.5 liters on the highway, however, this figure largely depends on both the modification of the model and the manner of riding the driver. The climate control works well, which copes with both the July heat and with the January frosts. The machine is controlled, it keeps the road well, brakes work adequately. A fairly spacious trunk, in which it is possible to place packages with products purchased once a week, or several bags of potatoes.

If desired, the salon is transformed into aA spacious flat area on which you can transport a bulky cargo. A good standard audio system, high-quality sound can also be attributed to the merits of the Ford Kuga. Reviews also talk about the good patency of this car. She perfectly goes on city roads, well dissects on impassability, it is not at all sand, snow and a spring mudslide. In general, it can be described as a good, reliable, solid, modern car.

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