/ / What kind of alarm system to choose for a car

What kind of alarm system to choose for a car

Thinking about what kind of car you want to buy,It is also useful to think about what kind of signaling to choose for your car. If you do not attach serious importance to this issue, then once, leaving, for example, from the store, you risk instead of your car to find an empty space. As in Russia, and in all other countries, the problem of car theft remains very urgent and requires special attention. On how to choose the alarm, we'll talk in this article.

what alarm to choose
Many are faced with the problem of choosingthe initial stages, since to date there are many types and types of vehicle protection. The wider the range of species, the wider is the range of vehicle protection. Much depends on the manufacturer. Product quality is also often determined by cost. The variety of prices leads to an even greater impasse in the question of what kind of signaling to choose. The cost of kits increases from $ 30 to a few hundred. Well, the more expensive your car and the more anxious your attitude towards it, the more you will have to give your best to protect the car and the more quietly you will sleep at night.

how to choose an alarm
Thinking over what kind of signaling to choosefor the car, it will be useful to first understand what is included in the complete set of the alarm system. After all, there are even whole anti-theft systems. Usually the standard set includes: an immobilizer, the alarm system itself and a special electronic lock fixed to the hood.

What you should pay attention to when choosing a car alarm:

  1. If you still decided to make a signal fora small amount, then remember that such a system will only notify the owner of the machine of an attempt to crack using audio and video effects. With this option, it will be better to purchase an additional hood lock so that criminals can not get under it to turn off the alarm. Although professionals can do this without climbing into the hood.
  2. In any case, if you put even a cheap onesignaling, it will be superfluous to take care also of mechanical measures of protection. The electronic system exists more to alert and attract attention, as well as to control the ignition function of the car. But mechanical protection measures will also cause a lot of trouble for intruders. There are various fasteners
    car alarm selection
    for steering wheel, gearbox, etc.
  3. The manufacturer's brand also says a lot. The protection systems manufactured in China are unlikely to last long, and you will not add to the peace of mind for the car, which can not be said about Western manufacturers. Let them be a little more expensive, but much more reliable.
  4. Another important criterion, determining,what alarm to choose - the code of the key fob. The code is just the signal by which the alarm is put and removed. It can be of two types: fixed and dynamic. The most reliable will be dynamic, as it changes after each door is opened to a new one. Thus, attackers will have more difficulties with the rapid selection of code to your machine. Fixed code is put for the entire lifetime of the alarm.
  5. Note that it's best when there are two keyfobs from the alarm. Or at least such an option, when the second copy can be done additionally.
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