/ / Replacement of coolant

Replacing the coolant

Despite the fact that VAZ's "sixes", which have become a living classic, are gradually disappearing from the stage, nevertheless, the fleet of these cars is still quite impressive.

There are a large number of operations thatthe owners of the sixth model can perform on their own, one of them is the replacement of the cooling liquid. It is about how to carry out this procedure, which is not too complicated, but requires due diligence and attention - this article.

And for those who believe that any repairwork, including the replacement of cooling liquid VAZ cars, should be performed only in the service center - a small disclamer: keep in mind that not every driver of those who ride a classic, has a lot of money for visits to the SRT for any reason.

Now a bit of theory. The manufacturer of the car recommends replacing the coolant at least every couple of years, or when reaching a mileage of 60,000 km. Also, you should not drive without replacement, if the color of the liquid in the surge tank changed to reddish. This is the first signal that the additives contained in this antifreeze are already fully consumed and now, apart from its main task, the OLC also actively destroys all the details of the cooling system.

And a little warning: Drain the antifreeze follows only with a cold engine. All work is best done in rubber gloves, since the coolant is toxic. Do not start the engine if the expansion tank cap is open or there is insufficient level of antifreeze in the system.

So we got to the verythe replacement process. In order to perform the entire procedure on your own, you will need the following set of tools and materials: coolant for auto (antifreeze), spanner or spanner for 13, rag, rubber gloves, capacity (10 liter bucket) for draining the old coolant.

The car should be placed on a level platform.

In case you can not find such a place, try to put the front part so that it is higher than the rear.

Then remove the guard, which protects from dirt.

The next action will be moving to the extreme right position of the salon lever heater (you will open completely this tap).

If you have not done so yet - then raise the hood, and then remove the plug from the expansion tank.

Then do the same with the radiator cap.

Now take the prepared container for the coolant, place it under the radiator drain cock and unscrew the drain plug.

When the fluid from the radiator is drained, you must replace the drain plug on the cylinder block and drain the remaining liquid into the same container.

When all the antifreeze is removed from the system, wrap the plugs in their places in the cylinder block and in the radiator.

Prepare a new antifreeze and carefully pour it into the car through the expansion tank.

Make sure that there are no airIt is necessary to squeeze the exhaust, supply and bypass manifolds several times. If after a few taps the fluid level has dropped, top up.

Now you can close the caps of the expansion tank and radiator and start the car.

Warm up the motor and, having switched on the fan,that hot air enters from the ventilation openings. If everything is in order, then you managed to avoid air congestion, and the replacement of the coolant was successful.

And finally, a couple of tips for the follow-up periodoperation of your VAZ 2106. After a few days, you should check the level and color of the antifreeze that was poured into the car. If the color has changed to brown, or a short time after the coolant has been replaced, toxol has become discolored, so you should immediately replace such a liquid, since you sold the counterfeit.

The fact is that the quality coolant has a very stable coloring composition and from time to time it never decolours, but only darkens.

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