/ / Candle key - destination, price and varieties

Candle key - destination, price and varieties

Any repair or replacement of any spare partsIt is impossible without using at least one spanner. In some cases, special pullers are used to remove the part. Most often, this detail is remembered when dismounting the ball joint. However, do not forget that in the world there are a dozen other pullers, one of which is used when removing and installing spark plugs. Today we will talk about it.

candle key

A candle puller is a device that showsa small metal key of polyhedral shape. For convenience of use, a handle is connected to it. Such a candle key you can see on the first photo. With this remover you can quickly and accurately remove the non-working spark plug.

The candle key has two ends in which the firstIt takes the form of a device, and the second is used as a handle. In the photo we see that this part has a hexagonal tubular shape. It is worth noting that only this design allows you to rotate the piece without any contact with other devices. With a simple carob tool, you can hardly remove this part so quickly and easily.

Also do not forget about the improvedT-shaped candle key for 16 millimeters, the handle of which is connected to the device by means of a hinge. Its design allows you to dismantle the mechanism in the most inaccessible places. In addition, the T-shaped shape of the key securely fixes the candle in the hollow tube, thereby eliminating the possibility of idle turning the puller. Also such a tool can fix a new part even before it is cranked and installed. Thus, the use of the T-shaped tool eliminates the risk of unauthorized falling of the part inside the engine compartment. You are 100 percent sure that during installation your candle will not fall on the asphalt and, passing through the engine units, will not get dirty in oil.

candle key for 16

The head of the puller is made of a specialhardened steel, which gives a guarantee for the long-term operation of this mechanism. Also, the surface of the key is covered with zinc, which excludes the possibility of scrolling and, as we have already said, a sudden drop in the candle when entering the thread. The use of a galvanized layer significantly reduces the risk of corrosion of this tool, which also positively affects the durability of the device.


At the moment the key is a candle 16-millimetercan be purchased at a price of 70 to 500 rubles. This can be both conventional tubular devices, and complex T-shaped tools. Also the price in many respects can depend on the manufacturer (sometimes it is necessary to pay purely for a brand).

key candle 16

If you are just going to acquire a candlekey, do not be guided by the purchase of the most expensive device, but use the principle of "golden mean". After purchase, this tool must be cleaned from the factory grease, so that the candle does not suddenly slip off the pipe. For the future, remember that you need to store this key in a closed box that does not allow water to enter the interior.

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