/ What happens if you transfer oil to the automatic transmission? Effects

What happens if you transfer oil to the automatic transmission? Effects

Check the technical condition of the car you needsystematically - this is the guarantee of a long and serviceable vehicle service. Of course, most jobs need to be trusted by specialists, however many maintenance operations can be performed independently. One such is the oil change in the gearbox. Some owners for inexperience pour over the required amount of lubricant. What happens if the owner transports the oil in the automatic transmission? Are there any consequences or do not you have to worry about it at all? Let's look at this in more detail.

what will happen if the oil is poured into a pump

What happens if you transfer oil to the automatic transmission?

At once we will note that it is inadmissible to have excess oil ingearbox, but it's better than its lack. Especially it is impossible to suppose the excess or lack of lubrication in the automatic transmission, as these mechanisms are very sensitive to lubricants. In many respects, the consequences for the box will be determined in accordance with the level of overflow.

Small overflow

Some drivers measure the oil level inthe box. Often, it exceeds the mark by 1-2 cm. What will happen if you transfer the oil in the automatic transmission to the specified value? Nothing serious. Such an excess of lubricant can be neglected, since it does not deliver major problems and will not affect the operation of the box in any way. However, experts recommend listening and paying attention to the operation of the transmission when driving at high speed, even if a slight overflow occurs. Most likely, nothing alarming driver will not hear, but still need to listen.

transfused oil in the consequences

Large overflow

Some drivers or even mechanics on SRTManages to fill the liquid under the cover itself. This is often done when the level of lubrication in the gearbox decreases with time. But this can not be done, since during the operation of the moving parts of the transmission, the oil is beaten, resulting in the formation of foam and the so-called lubrication of the lubricant. The volume of the oil increases, its density decreases, the pressure decreases. This is bad for the mechanism.

Foaming is more intensive witha large rotation speed, and therefore in the first case it was recommended to monitor atypical box operation noise. If the driver has poured oil in the automatic transmission, what consequences can follow? At a minimum, you can identify 5 characteristic symptoms, which are not immediately apparent, but over time.

transfused oil in akp what consequences


The most innocuous is the release of lubricant through the breather. Oil surpluses will be simply squeezed out by pressure through the oil seals, dipstick or breather. Under the car there can be a small puddle of oil, and the whole box will also be in oil. This is a simple situation that does not entail serious consequences and is easily solved.

If the oil is overfilled in the automatic transmission, the symptoms may bemore serious. The automatic box can start to "blunt", the dynamics of the car acceleration is abyss, and all this will be accompanied by a flashing Check Engine light bulb. In this case, you need to read the error code, decode it and apply to the SRT for help. It is possible that this problem can be solved by simply draining the used lubricant. But sometimes the box has to be repaired at the SRT, which involves spending money on repairs.

If you ignore the obvious signs of poor performance of automatic transmission, then soon the pairs of friction in the unit will overheat. In this case, friction disks are the first to fail, and then the remaining elements.

Also, if you change the oil level in the automatic transmission, you canseriously increase fuel consumption. The fact is that the displaced oil from the box can get on the air flow sensor. As a result, it will malfunction, because of what the system can mix gasoline with air in the wrong ratio. So the depleted mixture will be fed into the engine cylinders, which will definitely increase the consumption of gasoline or diesel fuel.

It is possible that the excess oil from the box will fall on the spark plugs. This is the most serious consequence, which can lead to deposits on the cylinders.

transfused oil in akpp symptoms

Now you know what will happen if you pour oilin the automatic transmission. Therefore, this is better not to allow. And although in most cases excess oil is simply squeezed out of the box, there is always a chance of a serious breakdown, which can lead to a major engine repair and even a gearbox change.


All experts recommend checking the level of transmission oil. If the overflow occurs, then it is easy to solve the problem even without resorting to SRT. To do this you need:

  1. Buy a syringe in a pharmacy for 10 cubes and a dropper.
  2. Cut a piece of the length of 60 centimeters from the tube.
  3. Put it in the hole for the feeler gauge. If there is no such hole, then the tube can be pushed into the neck to fill the lubricant.
  4. Now put the second end on a syringe without needles.
  5. Piston the syringe to suck off excess oil from the box.

Do not immediately remove a lot of lubricant, actit is necessary gradually. After each fence, you need to check the current oil level, because if the level is below normal, then you have to top up the oil.

Excess oil in the mechanical box

If a mechanical gearbox takes placeextraneous sounds or the wrong operation of this unit is evident, then it is desirable to check the level of lubrication. It is also recommended to check and even change the oil at a large car run and when buying a car from the hand, because it is completely unknown what kind of oil the previous owner used. These tips are true for motor oil.

top up the oil level in the pump room

It is worth considering that the manual transmissionhas a simpler design, and here oil plays the role of working fluid. The terms of oil change in such boxes are much greater. Usually in mechanical boxes, oil needs to be changed once for 100 thousand kilometers of run.

The objectives of checking the level and oil change in the manual gearbox are accuratethe same as in the case of an automatic box. With regard to the consequences and symptoms of lubricant overflow, they are approximately the same, but the overflow of oil in the manual gearbox is not as bad as the overflow in the automatic transmission.


  1. Grease foam.
  2. The pressure in the system rises.
  3. Rubber seals and oil seals pour out excess oil. These items can be damaged and require replacement.
  4. Grease can also pour out through the orifice of the stylus.

There is nothing difficult in solving the overflow problemlubrication in the manual. It is necessary to perform the same operation as described above. And in general, pour into the box you need exactly this amount of oil, which is recommended by the manufacturer. At the same time, you do not need to fill everything at once. To begin with, you need to use most of the lubricant, wait 10 minutes, check the level. If it is below the required mark, then you need to add a little more oil to the level.

transplanted oil in akpp suzuki sx4


Now you know what will happen if you pour oilin automatic transmission Suzuki SX4 or other car of foreign or domestic manufacture. The principle of operation of the mechanisms is the same, as is the effect of lubricant overflow.

In general, oil is an important consumable,so you need to monitor its level constantly. Masters recommend checking the level of lubrication in the engine at least once a month, and at least every two to three months you need to look at the level of lubrication in the gearbox. The quality and service life of the units are highly dependent on the oils - this will be confirmed by any master at the workshop.

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