/ / Low gear: features and operation

Low gear: features and operation

Reduced gear allows an SUVto get a full passability and the ability to overcome obstacles that are beyond the power of any other machine. When it is turned on, the wheels rotate at a lower speed, while the engine does not change.

reduced gear


Reduced gear refers to the transmission element and is installed in the transfer case. In it from the engine the torque is transferred to axes of leading bridges of the car.

Full engine power is achieved whenthe established number of turns, at this time through the transmission the torque is transmitted to the driving wheels. Each unit has its own level of speed, leading to maximum torque.

When a downshift is required

The device of the standard transmission differs uniformlyand the correct transfer of engine power at different speeds. For example, you can start the movement in the first gear at a speed slightly higher than the idle speed, and at several thousand revolutions and the fifth gear accelerate to high speed. The maximum power develops most often in the latter case. With such a turn in the first transfer will not succeed, and the power will not even reach the average. It also becomes impossible to ride on a high obstacle: the wheels can fall into a slip, and the engine - stall. There is a similar situation when riding on snow, mud and other difficult conditions. In other situations, for example, in overcoming stony precipitous road, a careful and unhurried course with increased power is required.

In such cases, reduced transmission becomesespecially useful. It has a fairly high gear ratio, which makes it possible to reduce the speed of the wheels and simultaneously achieve maximum power. Such characteristics ensure, with a competent approach, a significant advantage when climbing a slope with a large angle, off-road and other complicated conditions.

do not turn on the downshift


Off-road vehicles with reduced transmission and lockingcan be either with an automatic gearbox or with a manual gearbox. Not all cars, especially new ones, have a standard version with a separate dispensing box. If it is absent, the reduced gear is switched on using buttons or a special lever.

Many full-fledged SUVs do not havedistributing boxes due to the fact that it increases the cost of the car and its weight. It is not equipped with some versions of jeeps in order to find the most economical effective solution. Sometimes such a box is missing in older models. An example can be made by LUAZ - its front drive is the leading one, the rear connection is possible via the gearbox. But in a reduced gear the car only moves forward, which becomes a significant drawback in certain situations.

off-road vehicles with reduced transmission and locking

Features of use

If the downshift does not turn on,slow down the car, but it is best to connect before the traffic starts. When the clutch is pressed to the desired position, the corresponding lever is shown. New cars have the option of electronic switching with the help of a special button.

When using such a transmission, you can notmove on a solid surface, because the transmission at this time will have a significant load. To achieve maximum effect, you need to move at higher speeds. It is important to monitor the clutch. Despite the fact that there is a decrease in the load on it several times, it is possible, by inexperience, to damage it by a sharp descent, after the engine reaches its maximum speed.

A downshift has a certain number. With its increase, the car starts to move more efficiently, regardless of the speed.

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