/ How to recycle a car? A few tips

How to recycle a car? A few tips

Many car owners wonder: "How to recycle the car?" To begin with, it is worth investigating what kind of process it is, what it includes and how it is implemented.

How to recycle a car
So, the first thing to talk about isrecycling of batteries. It is carried out in order to reduce the amount of toxic and harmful substances in domestic solid waste. Accumulators contain acids, heavy metals and alkalis. And they, getting into the soil or water, cause great harm to the environment.

Lead-acid batteries - most oftenDisposal is carried out with them, since this type of batteries is widely used in electric cars, cars, power supplies (uninterrupted), motorcycles and in a variety of equipment used in industrial activities. Lead is a toxic metal. He, getting into the body, destroys the bones. Acids are also dangerous. That is why recycling attracts attention, and today, fortunately, to recycle these devices - not a problem.

Disposal of tires
The next topic is tire recycling. In the modern world, in which the number of cars is steadily increasing, utilization is becoming of great economic and ecological importance for many countries of the world. This is primarily due to the fact that tires that have already worn out are a source of environmental pollution. Rubber is a flammable product, in addition, it can not decompose. And, as you know, a lot of rubber tires - a great living environment for insects and rodents, which carry infectious diseases. In addition, the processing of tires is good because more than 80 percent of them are made of synthetic rubber material, which is obtained from oil.

So, how to recycle the car? The owner of the vehicle will need to report to the MREO for the place where the car is registered. You must have a passport with you. Then it will be necessary to write a statement in which to indicate information that the machine should be removed from the register, as it will be disposed of. It should also be noted that the documents and numbers were lost (circumstances are unknown). For inspection, the vehicle does not need to be provided. On this all, you will only need to pay tax for the period during which the car was registered in the name of its owner.

Disposal of batteries
So, before you dispose of the car,should study the algorithm of action. First you need to go to the official dealer by car, which will be put on disposal. Then you need to print an approved form, which indicates the disposal. After this, a power of attorney is issued in the usual documentary form for approval of the operations that will be carried out to take the machine off the register. Then the machine is transferred to the disposal point and a certificate of this is obtained. How to recycle the car further? This is followed by the signing of a treaty that will serve as the basis for carrying out the above operations. Before the receipt of the certificate on the spent recycling, the machine will be stored.

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