How does the carburetor "Ozone" work?
Any car carburetor, whatever brand it isnor was it intended to mix air with gasoline and further form a fuel-air mixture. Then this product passes into the combustion chamber of the engine and there, by burning, drives the pistons. The torque that is generated from the movement of the connecting rods is transmitted to the wheels, resulting in the car starting its movement.

As for the described device, the carburetor "Ozone" has no fundamental differences from its "colleagues".
Also in the design of this mechanism there is an idling system, which ensures normal operation of the engine with a closed throttle on both chambers.
This mechanism consists of a specialan emulsion tube, a "quality" screw, a fuel channel, jets, and a "quantity" screw. In addition, the system has a fuel jet holder and an air mechanism, through which air moves and mixes with fuel.
Principle of operation
When the engine is idling,Both its shutters are in the closed position. Under them there is a rarefaction, as a result of which through the edges of the mechanism of the first chamber and other openings, the fuel is sucked from the emulsion well into the idling system. All this happens in the same first cell.
From the well, gasoline passes through fueljets where it mixes with air. The latter, in turn, enters the system through air jets. Thus, the carburetor "Ozone" forms a mixture of oxygen and gasoline, which is called fuel-air. It goes down the channels and enters the cylinders of the engine.

The flow of the emulsion itself is regulated by the so-calledscrew "quality", which overlaps the cross-section of the fuel channel. Adjustment of carburettor "Ozone" means under itself a decrease or increase in the flow of this substance, depending on the position of the adjusting bolt. To improve the smooth adjustment there is an additional fuel channel with a separate jet. This feature can boast only carburetor "Ozone". Its main feature here is that it can work continuously and supply an emulsion even with a completely closed "quality" screw.
How can I extend the life of the machine?
Carburetor "Ozone" can and should be done in a timely mannerdiagnose, eliminate various breakages and clean it from all kinds of pollution. Every 40-50 thousand kilometers of mileage you need to carefully handle the device with a special cleaning agent (in the store they are sold). Also, do not forget about the existence of a rubber gasket, which also significantly affects the performance and life of the carburetor.

How to make tuning carburetor "Ozone"?
If you want to increase engine power withoutboring block, you can put in place of regular jets more productive. For example, devices labeled "135" can be replaced with "150" th jets and so on.