/ / Cholecystitis in a child: description, possible causes and characteristics of treatment

Cholecystitis in a child: description, possible causes and characteristics of treatment

Inexperienced parents have any abdominal pain in theirthe baby is associated with the quantity and quality of the food. They are sure that it is enough to give a dose of sorbents or enzymes, and everything will pass. But it is not always the case. The cause of pain can be the inflammatory process of the biliary tract system, that is, the cholecystitis in the child. Strangely enough, but the inflammation of the gallbladder and ducts happens quite often. The ailment can be acute or chronic. In most cases, the chronic form is diagnosed at the time of exacerbation or relapse.

cholecystitis in the child

Provocators of the disease

Cholecystitis in a child can provokeEscherichia coli, proteins or cocci that have fallen into a favorable environment. These conditions include infection with protozoa, that is, lambliasis, helminthic invasion, pathology of the bile excretory system. The main causes of cholecystitis are divided into 2 groups:

  • parasitic;
  • microbial.

Chronic cholecystitis in children is often associated withthe presence of other foci of inflammation, it can be, for example, tonsillitis or tonsillitis. In many cases, the disease provokes previous diseases, such as gastritis, colibacillosis, duodenitis, appendicitis, influenza, scarlet fever, dysentery.

Inflammation of the gallbladder or bile ductscan be triggered by a systematic violation of diet, the absorption of a large amount of fatty foods and carbohydrate-containing foods, a clear lack of vegetables and fruits in the diet.

Mechanism of manifestation of the disease. Chronic cholecystitis

Cholecystitis in a child in chronicto carry a purulent or catarrhal nature. The catarrhal form is associated with inflammation of the mucous membranes. In this case, the wall of the gallbladder thickens and becomes thicker, and the lining body from within the mucous atrophy.

treatment of cholecystitis in children

Purulent cholecystitis is characterized by involvement inthe process of all tissues of the wall. In the body abscesses are formed, which become a source of regular exacerbations of chronic cholecystitis. When the disease recurs, the gall bladder becomes edematous. A characteristic feature is a thickening of the mucosa, the appearance of polyps and ulcers.

When healing, ulcers are replaced with connective tissue, scars appear. Occasionally, spikes with closely spaced organs are formed. This process is called perocholecystitis.

An ulcer can lead to the formation of a fistula anddevelopment of bile peritonitis. If the cholecystitis in the child leads to clogging of the bile duct, gall bladder edema may develop. Chronic cholecystitis can affect the liver, diaphragm and abdominal wall. The aggravation of the process provokes an abscess in these organs. In difficult cases, external bile fistulas can appear.

Acute cholecystitis

Acute cholecystitis in children may requiresurgical intervention. However, this happens infrequently. Usually, the development of the disease is associated with an infection that has spread through the bloodstream or the current of the lymph. At an early age, the most common factor in the development of an acute process are intestinal infections and bile stagnation due to constipation or flatulence.

As a result of acute cholecystitis, ahigh concentration of lysolecithin. Bile salts damage the mucous membrane of the bladder, disrupting the permeability of cell membranes. Since the immune defense in children is not completely formed, the edema and secondary bile hypertension develop.

 chronic cholecystitis in children

Manifestation of symptoms

How is cholecystitis manifested in children? Symptoms may be vivid or mild. Usually it is a complaint of bitterness in the mouth, a significant decrease in appetite, attacks of nausea and vomiting, constipation or diarrhea. However, the main sign of cholecystitis is pain in the right upper quadrant. Painful sensations can be paroxysmal and last from several minutes to several hours or permanent.

One of the main symptoms of the disease istenderness and enlargement of the liver. Sometimes palpation feels the tension of the abdominal wall above the gallbladder. Many children have a long time subfebrile temperature. If you combine the symptoms into one list, it will look like this:

  1. Pains of paroxysmal or permanent nature, localized on the right under the ribs. Increase a few hours after eating, accompanied by a sense of heaviness and overflow.
  2. Dyspepsia, that is, an upset of the digestive system. Bitter or metallic aftertaste, frequent burping, nausea, increased gas formation in the intestine, unstable stools.
  3. Low temperature for a long time, general irritability, insomnia.

Parents should understand that, despiteobvious manifestations of the disease, the establishment of an independent diagnosis is unacceptable. Only a doctor can confirm cholecystitis in children. Symptoms and treatment of this disease depend on the severity of the patient's condition. The specialist, taking into account the clinical picture and on the basis of the results of the analyzes, selects the appropriate type of therapy.

cholecystitis in children symptoms

Conducting diagnostics

First of all, the doctor talks with the patient or his parents and collects an anamnesis. Further clinical and laboratory studies are carried out. This is an obligatory detailed blood test and biochemistry.

Echography is used to confirm the diagnosis. This examination allows you to determine the change in the size and thickness of the gallbladder walls. In addition, there is a violation of organ contractions. In addition, it is desirable to conduct duodenal sounding and ultrasound.

In addition, the study of bile. The analysis shows a decrease in specific gravity and an increase in acidity.

acute cholecystitis in children

Additional information about the form of the disease

It often happens that a professional doctor's speechnot always understandable to an unprepared person. For example, if the doctor tells the patient's parents that he has a non-calculous form of cholecystitis, this means that the disease is not associated with the formation of gallstones. Simpler children's form is called beskamennoy.


Treatment of cholecystitis in children is carried out according to a certain scheme:

  1. Compliance with bed rest at home.
  2. Reception of antibiotics according to the doctor's prescription.
  3. Reception of choleretic preparations.
  4. If necessary, the use of antiparasitic drugs.
  5. A complex of vitamins with a high content of group B and C.
  6. Taking antispasmodics to reduce pain.
  7. Appointment of drugs that improve liver function.

The chronic form of cholecystitis is usually treated at home,but with an exacerbation of the process it is desirable to hospitalize the baby. The first day after an exacerbation the child is prescribed a complete starvation, and later the parents will have to monitor compliance with a strict diet. Children with cholecystitis are put on dispensary records.

cholecystitis in children with symptoms and treatment

Compliance with diet

Cure a baby without respect for certainrules of nutrition is impossible. Diet for cholecystitis of children means boiled or steam food in a crushed form. The doctor appoints a dietary table number 5 or 5a.

In the diet should not be spicy and sharp additives, smoked products, fatty foods and fried foods. Portions should be small, since you can not overeat the child.

In the diet of a small patient, sunflower oil, cottage cheese, fish and meat in steam or boiled form, fruits, vegetables or light salads are necessarily introduced.

a diet at a cholecystitis of children

Preventive measures

All parents want to see their kids healthy. In order for a child not to have cholecystitis, it is important to monitor his nutrition, do not allow overeating and eating overnight. Do not give the child a popular snack in the form of snacks, crackers and chips. It is advisable to adhere to regular fractional and frequent meals.

Children should necessarily conduct an active imagelife. This will help to avoid not only cholecystitis, but also many other problems. Morning exercise, sports groups, tourism, outdoor games - a normal pastime for a healthy child.

Try not to admit or at least in time to identify other gastrointestinal infections and diseases, because in the body everything is interconnected.

Conduct preventive treatment of helminthiases if you assume that the child could pick up parasites in the kindergarten, at school, at home or in the common sandbox in the yard.

If prescribed by a doctor, take cholereticdrugs and mineral waters. And most importantly - keep an eye on your child's condition, since it's easy to miss the onset of the disease or its aggravation, but it's quite hard to treat it. Subsequently, even a surgical intervention can be recommended to a baby.

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