Neuralgia of the sciatic nerve: methods of treating sciatica
Neuralgia of the sciatic nerve (sciatica) is a disease of the main nerve of the lower limbs, which runs along the back side of the thigh, reaches the popliteal fossa and moves further to the foot.
The cause of the disease is damagehip and back, fractures, trauma, prolapse of intervertebral discs, overfatigue of legs, prolonged sitting in one position. The disease can develop with hypothermia, colds, various internal diseases (gout, diabetes, articular rheumatism, tuberculosis, syphilis, alcoholism, brucellosis). In men, neuralgia of the sciatic nerve is observed more often than in women who suffer from an ailment during pregnancy, after severe childbirth, because of gynecological diseases.
Neuralgia of the sciatic nerve: symptoms
Painful sensations arise in the sacral andlumbar region, then follow the path of the nerve to the thigh, popliteal fossa and even the foot. Pain pulling, pulling, shooting, often boring and burning, does not give rest to a person, especially at night.
Pain syndrome increases during movementlower extremities, when taking an uncomfortable position of the body, with the tilting of the head, sneezing, coughing, with pressure on the pain points. Patients often take a characteristic posture when the body curves, as a person leans on a healthy leg when standing. Simultaneously with the pain, there are feelings of crawling and numbness in the skin.
During the disease, the atrophy of the affected leg develops with a decrease in the volume of the muscles, which lose their tone and become flabby.
Sciatica is easy to identify by four points,painfully responsive to pressure. The first is located below the knee, 4-5 cm, the second is at the same distance down from the first, the third - in the popliteal fossa on the thigh, the fourth - just above.
Neuralgia of the sciatic nerve: treatment
On recovery, four points beginalternately lose one's soreness. At the termination of pain only in some points of the patient it is impossible to consider completely cured. And the fight against the disease should be continued, as with the first cold the disease will return. Sciatica sciatica treatment It is a very difficult task, requiring perseverance and a long time.
Therapy is mainly aimed atelimination of the primary factor. With small intervertebral hernia resort to medical treatment, whose goal is to improve blood circulation, relieve inflammation, swelling and painful muscle spasms. After eliminating acute symptoms, prescribe manual and physiotherapy, muscle electrical stimulation and acupuncture. Benefit is stretching and therapeutic gymnastics.
With large disc hernias causing gross violations of the limbs, surgical intervention is required.
Tunneling neuromuscular syndromes are treatedconservative methods that combine manual therapy, blockades, wearing orthopedic insoles and special corsets, the use of anti-edema and anti-inflammatory drugs.
Inflammatory causes of neuralgia of the sciatic nerve require the fight against infection and antibiotic therapy.
The degree of recovery of the functioning of the sciatic nerve in the first place depends on the prescription and severity of its defeat. Avoid consequences and complications will allow timely treatment to doctors.
Neuralgia of the sciatic nerve: folk remedies
Non-traditional methods will help to remove symptoms andimprove the condition of the patient. Well, massage helps in combination with acute ointments based on mustard oil and belladonna, "Viprosal" preparation and further heating of the sick places with a special red lamp. On the sacrum and the thigh area put dry jars, take hot baths. It is recommended to visit 2 times a week a Russian bath with a steaming birch besom of sick places.