How to treat cough in children - a set of opinions
How many people on earth, so many opinions. So there is now and so it has always been. And it concerns any question. So, for example, on the question "how to treat a cough in children", one person will advise the pills, the other - syrup, the third will offer traditional medicine, and the fourth will say that cough should not be treated. In this case, everyone will be right in their own way, and each method of treatment is effective in its own way. Therefore on different separate opinions it is necessary to stop more in detail.
Coughing in children is a physiological phenomenon,which is usually considered quite normal, because it is thanks to the cough that the child cleanses his bronchi. Cough about 15-20 times a day - this is normal for babies. Coughing is a defensive reaction of the body to irritants in the respiratory tract, i.e. coughing, the child clears his respiratory tract from sputum and germs. Often, such a cough, parents take for the first sign of the disease and begin the same rhinestones to treat their "child". They give him potions and syrups, thereby even more provoking cough and weakening immunity. That is why, before taking on the treatment, it is necessary to establish the exact cause.
Often a cough in children appears due to defeatlarynx, bronchi or trachea. In these organs are located sensitive receptors, the irritation of which causes a cough. In such cases, the child in the first place must ensure coziness and peace, as well as proper nutrition. In the period of illness the diet of a child should be rich in vitamins and minerals. It is worth giving a lot of fruits and vegetables to the baby. At the same time, the food should be high in calories, and the drink should be abundant. This will help not only to avoid dehydration of the body, but also speed up the process of excretion of sputum from the bronchi.
Sometimes for children, especially for the youngest,it is difficult to choose the right cure for cough: some medications and methods seem harmful, and others - ineffective. Here, for example, than to cough a child 5 months? At first glance, it seems a complicated question, but in fact the answer is simple - best of all, without waiting for the illness, initially to warn it. To do this, preventive drugs that strengthen immunity will help. Widespread use in pediatrics received one of the drugs-immunomodulators "Derinat". This medicine can be given to babies from the very first days of life. It strengthens the immune system, not allowing penetration into the body of infections. Such prophylactic drugs often allow the child to avoid the disease even when in contact with the carriers of the infection.
Some children have a strong and sustainableimmunity, others - weaker, so their body is more likely to suffer from colds. There are many people's and medical ways to overcome the disease. However, parents with the question of how to cure cough in children up to a year, it is necessary to apply only to qualified specialists. Do not take for self-treatment of a child at such a small age. His body during this period is still very weak and wrongly chosen treatment can greatly harm.
Among the tips, what to treat cough in children is verya lot of folk remedies. So, for example, juice from fresh cabbage with sugar was used as an expectorant for wheezing and coughing. Not bad helps and syrup, cooked from 1 head of onions, 1 apple, 1 potato. Brew all this is necessary in 1 liter of water until the liquid is less than half. The drug should be given to the child three times, one teaspoon each day. You can also make syrup from an orange. To do this, 1 orange should be finely chopped together with the peel, fill it with sugar and cook for 30 minutes. Such a syrup well helps with a dry cough. Take it costs 1-2 teaspoonfuls during each attack of a cough. In addition, you can do compresses and inhalations.
There are many options than cough cureat children, but to each of them it is necessary to approach with due attention and care. Every child is different. Therefore, before treating cough in children, you should always consult a doctor.