/ / What symptoms of adenoids in a child should pay close attention

What symptoms of adenoids the child should pay close attention to

Adenoids or glands are a defect that occurs on thepharyngeal tonsil in the mouth. The proliferation of the nasopharyngeal tonsils, also called adenoid vegetations, often leads to persistent and frequent colds in the baby. In general, adenoids perform a very important role in the body: they serve as a filter that cleans the air, inhaled through the nose. However, they react very actively to any infection that enters the body. During the disease, the tonsils increase in size, after the end of the inflammation they return to their normal state. In the event that the frequency of infections is less than a week, these organs do not have time to recover. This can cause problems with breathing and even with hearing. Most often, the symptoms of adenoids in a child are particularly acute at the age of three to ten years, as in adolescents their size decreases and even with colds do not increase to such an extent as to cause any inconvenience.

symptoms of adenoids in a child

So, what are the main symptoms of adenoids in a child:

  1. A child breathes not with his nose, but with his mouth. In this case, breathing through both organs is difficult. This is due to the fact that the tonsils, expanding, almost overlap the nasopharynx and do not allow the body to normally saturate the lungs with oxygen. Because of this, the baby can wake up at night in fear that it will suffocate. Also, the child may have trouble swallowing food. All this leads to increased nervousness and lack of mood.

  2. Frequent and long-lasting colds. This can affect the hearing, leading to its deterioration. To check how well the child hears you, you can by the so-called whisper speech. As a rule, a person with a normal hearing condition can understand it from a distance of six meters. You need to move to the required distance and call the baby in a whisper. If he does not answer, maybe the child just got carried away by the game. If you are sure that his attention is not focused on some occupation, come up a little, until the child hears you.

  3. Violations of speech. The fact is that enlarged tonsils do not allow the child's facial bones to grow normally. Because of this, he can not pronounce some letters and begin to nuzzle. Often, parents do not pay attention to this, but if other symptoms of adenoids in the child manifest themselves, then it is worth listening to his speech.

    Adenoid Symptoms and Treatment

  4. Sometimes, when adenoids increase, symptomscan manifest not only in the nasopharynx. For example, because of a lack of oxygen in the brain, the thought process is hampered, and as a result, school assessments are sharply reduced. There may also be urinary incontinence at night. Cases of such embarrassments should be seen more than two and with sufficient frequency, only then it will be the symptoms of adenoids in the child.

Let's get well!

So, if you notice a child has one orseveral of the listed signs of the disease, immediately contact the otolaryngologist. Only a specialist will be able to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment. Inflammation of adenoids in medicine is divided into several degrees. In the case of the first stage, the usual treatment is carried out using a 2% solution of the "Protargol" drug and taking vitamins C and D. If the child has a second or third degree, surgical intervention is necessary. As a rule, adenoids are removed with the help of a special operation - adenotomy.

If you are treating a child at home, it is worthwhilewashing of the nasopharynx to wash all the bacteria and cleanse the respiratory tract from germs. This should be done using a syringe with infusion of medicinal herbs, tilting the baby over the bath. This procedure is not very pleasant, but very effective. If the doctor prescribed the drug "Protargol", then it must be digested twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, putting the child on his back and throwing back his head, so that the drug reached the adenoids. The course lasts about two weeks. It is necessary to use a freshly prepared solution, since the preparation "Protargol" is a compound of silver, which rapidly breaks down.

adenoid symptoms

So, even if a child has such a diagnosis, like adenoids, symptoms and treatment, on time and correctly recorded and written out by a competent specialist, your child will be able to forget about this problem.

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