How to rent a car from the account for sale and where to find a buyer?
You are determined to sell the car. To avoid unexpected surprises after the sale of cars in the form of "letters of happiness" or worse - arrest because of an accident in which there are victims, it is better to remove it from the register immediately.
This question interests all sellers of personalauto. You will have to spend not only your time, but also some amount of money (on average 1200 rubles). It can be done in any, at your choice, department of the State Traffic Police of the city where you live (registered). To get started, find out by the phone the hours of work you liked MREO STSI and come there to the very opening, in this case, just manage for the day. In some cities, electronic queues work in the traffic police units. It is very convenient: you sign up through the terminal or the Internet and arrive by the specified time. If there is no such service, then act in the old fashion - come to the very opening. Prepare all the necessary documents in advance:
- your passport;
- PTS;
- certificate of registration of your vehicle;
- General power of attorney for the car (in case you previously bought a vehicle on it);
- OSAGO is not required, but it should be with you.
Your next actions
In search of an answer to the question of how to rent a carwith accounting for sale, there is nothing complicated. You come to the GIBDD unit and put your car in the parking lot to inspect the vehicle. This is the same platform on which there are cars with open hoods. Then go to the window with the inscription "initial receipt of documents" and talk about your desire to take the car off the record for further sale. There, the submitted documents are checked and returned to the owner along with the receipt,
Where to sell the car after the removal from the register?
You can place an advertisement in a newspaper or postit on the Internet. But I'll have to meet with every caller, and this takes time, not everyone has it. Some drive their cars to the parking lot and for a certain amount (more often it's about 2 thousand rubles) to the buyers of it shows the guard of this parking lot, and you drive up to the place only if the buyer has already been found. You can sell a car with a mileage on the car market or resell it to the seller of the same market (if you agree on the price). Then he will already be selling it. Another option is to put the car on sale in a commission store.