Agricultural land: sale, lease, transfer to IZhS, value, taxes, permitted use and construction
Agricultural land is the most important of all categories in the land fund, as it includes the most valuable productive land.
Regulation by legislation
Legislation establishes a certainlist of features and norms governing the protection of such lands, the procedure for granting and withdrawing land from this category of land, the implementation of sales transactions with such lands, etc. This direction is very popular and continues to be relevant for a long time.
Legislative definition of agricultural land
According to the legislative definition, Art. 22 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, agricultural use of land are such territories that are provided by the state for the implementation of economic, educational, scientific and research activities.
To such lands belong in the first place:
- arable land, hayfields, pastures, deposits and plantations, that is, agricultural land;
- purlins, roads, forest belts, protective artificial plantations, except for forestry lands;
- Buildings and yards, located on such agricultural land.
Such territories of agricultural lands are under the protection of the state of the Russian Federation and are regulated by the current code, laws, instructions, regulations.
Transfer of agricultural land
The transfer of such lands occurs to individuals and legal entities that have foreign citizenship. Agricultural lands have the authority to use the following categories:
- Persons living in rural areasContinuing or conducting seasonal work. First of all, agricultural land is granted to them for personal peasant use for the purpose of truck farming, horticulture, agricultural work in a certain territory and other actions stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
- For educational process in rural schools, vocational schools and other educational institutions, regulated by the current legislation.
- Residents of villages and towns of the Russian Federation, who have the right to conduct activities on agricultural lands for the purpose of managing trade turnover in accordance with the Land Code of the Russian Federation.
- Enterprises and societies, including religious and commercial ones, as well as partnerships that conduct subsidiary farming in agricultural areas.
- Citizens of the Russian Federation who use them for farm management, as well as dachas according to article 81 of the LC RF.
- Individuals and legal entities of foreigncitizenship, as well as foreign states that have the right to own, dispose of agricultural lands at their discretion, that is, to engage in gardening, gardening in order to profit in the form of harvest.
Sale of land
Sale of agricultural land is clearly regulated by articles of current legislation.
Sale of agricultural land is regulatedcurrent legislation of the Russian Federation with regular amendments to the law and changes that depend on the current government. However, other important points can be taken. The value of agricultural land can be contractual and regulated by the current legislation, based on land tax, the size of the plot and the area of land under construction.
For rent
Solving the issues of rent, according to Landcode of the Russian Federation, is coordinated with local government bodies that have the right to lease and lease agricultural land. To do this, a lease is concluded for a certain period between the lessor and the lessee, which specifies all the items regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Transfer of agricultural land in IZHS
The land, according to the current legislation,bodies of local self-government can be transferred to use, dispose and own it for the purposes of gardening and truck farming. Such agricultural land should be privatized by a citizen of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the requirements of the law, have a cadastral number of a land plot and be in agricultural use. Transfer of agricultural land in IZHS according to the norms of local governmentafter the division of the land plot into shares, land for extension of agricultural purpose, for gardening and pasture, and gardening. The privatized plot of land has a definite plan and is fixed in the documents.
The land plot of agricultural designation was transferred to the IZHSwith the purpose of providing citizens with housing and the permission to build private houses on it, personal plots on their own account at their own discretion. Such an objective legally regulated action is called transferring to IZHS. From the moment of reception of cadastral number on the ground the citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to dispose of property.
The cost of agricultural land
Land plots of agricultural significance have recently increased in price. This depends on the location of the land and its market value, which is considered for many reasons.
What taxes must be paid on agricultural land
Regarding land taxesagricultural purposes, then, according to the current legislation, such a process is regulated by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and has its own amendments and additions. First of all, taxes on agricultural land are regulated by laws, amendments to them. The tax on agricultural land depends directly on the category of land, its location, soil, suitability for farming, as well as the possibility of horticulture and gardening on it. Farmland, such as black soil, is valued more than salt and gerbil land. Marshland has the lowest cost, so the tax is charged lower than from land suitable for horticulture, such as black soil. The highest price includes the land on which the outbuildings are located. Therefore, the tax is levied at the rate of 0.01-0.03 percent of the value of one or another agricultural land. The Land Code of the Russian Federation spells out all the conditions and requirements regarding the category of land from which the state is levied.
Type of authorized use as a legally regulated moment
The Land Code of the Russian Federation includes somecategories of land to a particular species, the activities of citizens on which is limited. Their list is governed by applicable law and has an exhaustive concept, so do not forget about it, so as not to violate the law. Thus, identified species that are intended for use in economic purposes, agricultural land. Permitted use is a land category. This right has citizens of the Russian Federation for the construction of construction. Construction on agricultural land permitted use may be capital, and individuals are not allowed to be registered and registered on such land permitted use. Such lands should not be confused with another category that occurs in legislation as target lands.
What is allowed to do on land permitted construction
On the lands of the category of permitted use, according to the Land Code and the current legislation:
- use the land for the dacha;
- grow crops and do this for a profit in the form of a crop during seasonal work;
- use land for ancillary management, in particular for non-capital buildings;
- exploitation of land for arable land and gardening;
- construction of cottages, country cottages.
This is governed by the current.legislation of the Russian Federation, normative legal acts, decrees and permits, which are stipulated in amendments to laws and relevant regulatory documents on the right to manage business on lands of permitted use. You can leave a country house or a country mansion, if there is the size of the minimum plot that can be built up. These are four weave land permitted use.
Construction on agricultural lands
The prospect of building on agricultural land is of great importance for the population, citizens of the Russian Federation.
It is much cheaper to build on the lands of permitted use, which is a rather advantageous advantage.
An individual private house is allowed, according to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, to be built only in the area of gardening or country house partnership.
Starting the development of the corresponding object,It is necessary to obtain a special permit - this is a special document provided by local authorities, which gives the right to build an individual house or cottage.