/ / Operational experiment and its purpose

Operational experiment and its purpose

The concept of operational experiment is contained inrecommendatory normative document that defines the key areas of counteraction to organized crime, adopted by the decision of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS countries on 02.11.1996. This procedure is the reproduction of the situation, actions or other circumstances for the suppression of criminal behavior, the identification of actors who commit or prepare illegal acts. Let us further consider how the operational experiment is carried out, the reasons for carrying out this exercise.

operational experiment

General information

The operational experiment must be distinguished frominvestigative. The latter, in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Code, is carried out to verify and clarify information of importance to the investigation. It is performed by the reproduction of actions, circumstances, circumstances of a particular event. In the framework of this procedure, the possibility of perceiving certain facts is verified, a sequence of behavioral acts is established, as well as the mechanism for the occurrence of traces of a crime. This event has, therefore, a rather narrow focus.

Investigative and operational experiment possessa number of common features. These procedures are both aimed at the artificial creation of an event for subsequent study, the consistent fixation and monitoring of the state of the observed phenomenon. It, in turn, changes under the influence of factors that are introduced and managed by a person performing operational research activities (OPM) operational experiment.

Distinctive features

As a key feature in the operationalexperiment is conspiracy. It involves masking tasks, roles and goals. A very limited range of subjects is devoted to the structure and design of the event. Its specific features are also the forms of fixation of the results obtained. The investigative measure is primarily a procedural act. Its results are fixed in the appropriate form. When performing the procedure under consideration, an operational experiment report, report or certificate is compiled. However, the results obtained during the procedure do not appear as evidence, but they acquire a major role in the process of obtaining them. The results of the event may indicate circumstances, objects, facts. If they are found in procedural order, they will act as evidence base.

Conducting an operational experiment can beunofficial or vowel. It can be performed to identify subjects whose intentions are unknown. An operational experiment is allowed to be conducted against specific individuals acting as suspects, for example. In accordance with this, the procedure under consideration can consist in the non-specialized implementation of special experimental measures aimed at verifying the information received, information collected, evaluating the versions, as well as in reproducing the situation, circumstances, actions, specific events, clarifying the data that are relevant in the detection of the crime, obtaining new materials.

concept of operational experiment


Within the ORM, an operational experiment caninclude the reproduction, creation and use of conditions under which criminal intentions of suspects will manifest themselves, objects of encroachment will be revealed, and tacit control over objects will be established. The content of the procedure may include verification of information by experimentation with further fixation of the received data and controlled phenomena. Such actions include, in particular, the transfer of the bribe subject from the OPM participant to the subject, its extortion, the establishment of objects (drugs, vehicle, weapons, etc.) representing for interest, with subsequent control over them. The operational experiment may include measures of a psychological orientation. For example, it can be a test of the person's reaction to the presence of a person, photographs, objects.


Carrying out an operational experiment is allowedby the decision of the chief of the ORO. It, in turn, is accepted with the sanction of the public prosecutor. In a number of cases, the activities are urgent, and the possibility of obtaining information will depend on how soon an operational experiment will be performed. The decision in this case is taken without prosecutor's sanction. However, within 24 hours the chief of the ORO is obliged to inform him of the actions taken. Not later than 48 hours after the commencement of the procedure, the official who made the decision to implement it must receive a prosecutor's sanction or stop the ORM. An operational experiment performed in violation of this requirement will be considered illegal.

carrying out an operational experiment


The procedure prohibits provocation. The operational experiment should not be aimed at inducing subjects who did not have unlawful intentions to commit a crime. Artificial evidence of an unlawful act or circumstances that may have accusatory significance is also not allowed.


The operational experiment is allowed by lawconduct exclusively for the detection, disclosure and suppression of crimes of varying severity. To achieve these goals, ORO officers create conditions that are as close as possible to the situation in which the event under investigation occurred. This means that carrying out an operational experiment involves attracting the necessary number of persons, the corresponding transport and technical means. In addition, the proper situation at the place of the procedure is formed (it can be any open territory or premises).

operative experiment


What can be an operational experiment? ORD of the first type is aimed at the detection of unknown subjects. Its essence consists in the use of specially prepared and controlled objects of encroachment. It can be all kinds of baits, traps, etc. They are placed on sites where crimes can be committed. For example, for thefts at stations, stations in ports, these objects are suitcases, bags in waiting rooms, for theft of vehicles, respectively, cars or other equipment in parking lots.

In practice, there is often a needto create small companies, to look for living quarters, stores selling stolen goods, goods banned for circulation, to detect subjects who commit crimes in the economic sphere and are at the same time wanted.

Operational experiment is allowed to conduct inpersons detained in the act or reasonably suspected of crimes. This is the second kind of procedure. In this case, only documentation and immediate detention of intruders is carried out. Typically, such an operational experiment is carried out in the investigation of bribery, drug trafficking, weapons and other crimes, which include objects and substances banned for circulation.

operational experiment


The operational experiment aims:

  1. To detain an intruder at the time of committing a crime and to remove the items present.
  2. Verification and clarification of information on involvementspecific subjects to certain events of an illegal nature. In particular, the availability of relevant skills, abilities, and abilities is assessed.
  3. Verification of the advanced versions of the crime.
  4. Determination of the circumstances of the incident.
  5. Formation of conditions for the detection of wanted subjects, stolen material values.

Important point

Before starting an operational experiment, the authorized person should make sure of the following:

  1. The nature of the conditions that are created is obvious to a reasonable extent. In this regard, it is correctly evaluated and perceived by a person who commits a deliberate action.
  2. There are reasons to believe that the planned event will allow to identify illegal conspiratorial activities, to locate the wanted citizen or stolen property.
  3. The creation of appropriate conditions is not unjustified due to the nature of the illegal transaction in which the entity intends to participate.
    operative experiment law allowed to conduct

Key milestones

Analyzing the practice of applying the operational experiment, we can distinguish the following stages that make up a certain algorithm for the actions of employees:

  1. Obtaining reliable information about involvement in criminal activities.
  2. Decision-making for the implementation of the procedure, issuing an appropriate resolution, creating an experiment plan.
  3. Implementation of measures for documenting unlawful actions of suspected subjects in the process of carrying out an activity, identifying and fixing traces.
  4. The implementation of the detention of persons at the time they commit a crime or wanted citizens when they are detected.


It is necessary for effective and clearconducting an experiment. The plan is made in a free form and includes, as a rule, two sections: general and descriptive. The content of the first includes a description of the grounds for the experiment, the circumstances that need to be checked. The descriptive part includes technical and organizational measures, their sequence and quantity in relation to:

  1. Time and place of the procedure, the list of participants, measures for their conspiracy and security.
  2. Calculation of the required funds and forces, material costs.
  3. Interactions of different operational groups.
  4. Measures to respond to changes in the situation.
  5. Certain actions on the use of weapons, the use of technical means of fixing the results and monitoring the progress of the event, transport.
    provocation operational experiment

Organizational moments

After determining the purpose of the experiment, the initiator:

  1. Takes measures to keep confidential information about the upcoming procedure.
  2. Coordinates and studies the optimal form of the experiment with the head of the ORO.
  3. Solves issues related to the provision of search, technical, material content, as well as interaction with other search teams.
  4. Receives permission from the authorities to perform the procedure in the prescribed manner.
  5. Involves, if necessary, additional employees and services, coordinates their actions.
  6. Fulfills a reliable system of unspokenmonitoring the object with the use of a complex of operational-investigative and investigative measures for documenting the unlawful behavior and detaining subjects when they commit crimes.

Results of the procedure

They can be made out in different ways. If an event is performed to verify the subject’s involvement in a crime, the result is recorded in the act. This document in its form and content meets the requirements established for the protocol of the investigative action, without specifying information that is considered to be a state secret. The results of the event can be used to initiate a case and prove (subject to the established conditions for their presentation), to act as an auxiliary material in determining the tactics of other operational investigative or investigative actions.

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