Document filing. How to properly sew documents?
Before you start working with the documentation, you need the mostthorough familiarization with the large number of necessary instructions concerning the issues of document circulation and records management. These standards are quite complex and contain a large number of all kinds of small details and nuances. How to sew documents to the corner? What does the attached inventory contain? Is it possible to file accounting documents with a thermo-binding machine? The beginning clerk has something to break his head.
At first glance, the procedure for filing a case andputting it in the archive is quite simple, but practice shows the opposite. In case of violation of any of the rules of record keeping, this institution will refuse to accept the document being handed over, and you will have to start all the work again. If such situations have already occurred in your life, read our article - we will try to understand this issue.
Why do they file documents? Are there any standards that govern this procedure? Yes, and there are many of them. This is primarily about methodological recommendations for records management, which were approved in December 2009 by order of Rosarkhiv. In the second place - about GOST R 51141, devoted to archival business and records management and containing all the necessary definitions and terms. In addition, there are other legal norms, according to which the documentation is stitched.
Let's start with the cover
If the theater begins with a hanger, then ourprocedure - not otherwise than from the cover. And the choice of cardboard "crust" - one of the first tasks in the process of "packaging" the document. At first glance, you will not find the difference between the numerous existing their varieties. But, having looked narrowly, you will understand that covers are standard, non-standard, and also used for long-term storage.
Most often you can find a standard coverthe format is 229x324 mm. It is used in all cases when sheets of standard size are sewn. If, for certain reasons, the document has a rather specific appearance and parameters, a non-standard version of the cover is required. The last type refers to the one in which documents will be stored for 25 years or more.
According to the legislation, such coversare produced only from solid cardboard in connection with a significant working period. It is necessary to take measures to preserve the proper type of document and its suitability for use after a serious time interval. The documents intended for delivery to the state archive are stored in covers made of such material as acid-free cardboard.
Let's talk about sheet numbering
Before properly filing documentsthread, they all have to be stacked in the right sequence. After that, the numbering procedure is carried out using a simple simple pencil. The main rule here is to number the sheets, not the pages of the document. An Arabic number is placed on each sheet in its upper right corner. At the same time, our marks are not obliged to "crawl" into the text. The general numbering of sheets does not include the inventory of documents.
What subtleties are there in the numbering process? If the number of documents to be attached includes a letter or several of them, first, the envelope is numbered, then alternately - each of the sheets enclosed in it. If the number of incoming units is more than 250, it is customary to split it into several volumes. Each of them has its own numbering.
Inside the archive file there may bedocuments that have their own separate numbering of pages, for example, the publication of periodicals. But, filing the case in the archive, they are numbered among others without disrupting the general order.
If the attached sheet has a large format, itsit is customary to unfold and put the number on the right in the upper corner. It should be possible to freely access the text. If on any of the sheets separate fragments are attached with the impossibility of their disconnection, the entire given bundle is numbered as one. It is always necessary to make an inventory of each of the glued pieces, which is done on the back or on the free space. The reference to the pasted document must be present in the inscription or in the notes to the general inventory with the indication of the name. Most often such freelance investments are checks, extracts or photographs.
Correction of errors and inventory of documents
In the case of somenot too serious error (for example, missing a pair of sheets), instead of renumbering the entire array, you can again use the letter designation. However, the numbers on the other sheets do not change. Elimination of such errors is possible only in agreement with the staff of the archive. If gross errors are found, the document should be numbered anew. The old numbers cross out as carefully as possible and add new ones. In this case, the renewed numbering is again confirmed by a verbatim inscription.
Without inventory, you will not receive any archival business. The information contained therein refers to the title of the document, the date of compilation, the annotation and the table itself, indicating the sequence numbers of the sheets, their number and notes (if necessary). It ends with information on the number of documents in the form of a number, duplicated in words, then everything is sealed with the signature of the clerk with the decipherment of the name.
How to properly sew documents with threads
Starting the cross-linking procedure,make sure that all the necessary materials and tools are at your fingertips. In addition to the actual work, you will need an awl, a needle, a cardboard for filing documents and special threads. As the latter are stocked with a bank twine, stern or pierced threads L-210. The latter variety is used for office work more often.
At the beginning of the work, anyclips and other metal objects, then the sheets of the file are folded in an even, neat foot. On the left side in the field space, three holes are made with a needle or an awl. To place them is best in the middle of the free space, which is intended to be on the left for indentation, that is, at a distance of about one and a half centimeters. This remark is important, because otherwise it will be difficult to read them after filing documents.
Tips for convenience
If the smooth edges of the holes are for youof fundamental importance, take a punch. But remember that too many sheets of it are too tough for him. Make sure that all three holes are evenly spaced and spaced about 3 cm apart from each other. The middle one should fall on the middle of the page.
To prevent damage to the title page andThe collapse of the business is often recommended by the front and back of the pier in place with cardboard strips. A thread will be passed through it. The usual size is 70 cm. But in each case it depends on the thickness of the stack.
How to stitch 3 holes
Let us cite the contents of the algorithm for such a filingdocuments. First, the needle is passed through the middle of the holes, with the end of the thread remaining on the underside. Then you should put it in the upper of the holes. As a result, both ends of it are put on the turn of a stack of pierced sheets. The needle is pulled through the lower of the holes and we draw the thread on the front side. Then again lower the needle into the middle hole. Thus, our thread was drawn through all the necessary holes, after which both its ends are fastened on the back of the document by a strong knot. The tips are about 5 cm long.
A piece of paper with a testimonial is glued directly onto the knot. Below we consider the technology of its manufacture.
The document can also be flashed using 4 holes. How to do it? The procedure is not complicated. Four holes make their way vertically symmetrically with the location on a single axis. Leaving the tail of the thread on the back side of the first hole, we stitch the firmware, then we tie the knot in the same way as described above. The firmware must be duplicated twice in order to ensure durability and reliability.
Witnessing inscription
The next stage after the numbering and firmware -the supply of our case with a testimony. What it is? This is a 4x6 cm sticker with the text "Stitched and numbered ... sheets" (their number is indicated both in numeral and in words). Next, indicate the position of the employee who has flashed the document, with the date and personal signature. If seal certification is required, this should also be noted. The inscription is glued on top of the knot tied by us, the ends of the threads of which must remain free. Signature put at the end of the entire procedure, when the glue is already dry. This is done to prevent its spreading. Print (if available) affix part of the sheet, part of the inscription itself.
And only after the case is stitched, numbered, signed and stamped, can it be sent to the archive.
Relation to the witness label must beserious and attentive. She is the documentary evidence of the integrity of the case. In case of violation of its integrity or bias, the document may not be accepted by the control bodies, or it may be challenged in court.
What and why we are flashing
All documents are sewn together without fail.subject to transfer to the archive or in any of the inspection bodies, which include the tax inspectorate, the pension fund and many others. You can not hand over the documents glued or fastened with a stapler. As already noted, in the event of inconsistency with the rules of office work, you simply will not accept it.
This procedure is mainly subject todocuments of staffing and accounting. Those of them, the clerical work on which is completed, after a year are subject to the archiving of an organization or enterprise. In special archival institutions transfer cases with the past legal storage period. It is determined by law, depending on the type of document. For example, at least 75 years of age require notary notices, business accounting books, and personnel information documents.
The shelf life of design drawings is muchless - only 20 years. Photodocument taken to take care of 5 years. In archival institutions are subject to surrender of the case of both public and private enterprises. At the same time, the task of any non-state structure is to conclude an agreement with the Federal Archival Service.
It should be remembered that the right to flash documentsonly the employee is in possession of whom this duty is prescribed in the job description. In the case of poor-quality connection of documents you are waiting for certain sanctions, especially in the case of changes or lack of some important sheets.
Back to the filing technology
The stitching methods described above are suitable forarchive, and for tax inspection. But the filing of accounting documents that are stored for a long time (more than 10 years) should be especially strong - most often for 5 holes. The inscription is made on a special tissue paper, so that the node located under the sticker is clearly visible and there is no doubt about the integrity of the document.
If in office conditions, holes are punchedconventional stationery punchers, then, if necessary, to process large volumes of paper documentation (for example, in printing houses) use professional equipment in the form of paper-boring machines or binding machines. Such mechanisms have serious power and can be either manual or equipped with an electric drive.
Machine tool
The basis of these systems or machines - the classicmethod using springs. Such a binding machine is equipped with a device for perforation. Another mechanism puts it on a plastic spring, after which cardboard or plastic covers are added to the bottom and top of the block.
The advantage of the binding machine isthe ability to fasten very voluminous documents. The thickness of the block can be up to 500 pages. And also - the ability to remove or add pages and sheets in an already bound document. The disadvantages include a rather serious complexity and not too high strength.
If the binding machine for filing documentsIt is equipped with metal springs, for which a certain pitch is set and holes are punched accordingly for it, paper blocks are put on a flexible spring made of steel, which is then compressed and closed. The advantages of the device with metal springs - in a more presentable final form and increased reliability compared with plastic springs. But at the same time insert or delete sheets without damage is impossible.
In addition to the springs, there are devices that operate onthe principle of binding on a plastic comb, the teeth of which curl. There is also a binding on a spiral, familiar to us from flip calendars, notebooks and diaries. After perforation of the holes a spiral is wound in them (3-4 turns manually, the rest automatically).
Progress does not stand still
What is thermal binding? This is a modern machine for filing documents, which can be quick and one-piece connection. With the help of thermo-binding machines it is possible to complete a large number of materials, as well as to make out single copies. This option is particularly suitable for mailing reports, contracts and promotional materials.
Works machine for this type of binding bythe use of thermocore and thermal covers having different colors and sizes. Depending on the number of sheets of the case, a thermal coating of a certain thickness is chosen, then everything is put together in the apparatus. The inside of the end face of the cover is smeared with a layer of polymer glue. The machine is equipped with a heating element, due to which this polymer is melted, and all the sheets are sealed into the hot layer.