/ Mother 's Capital for the Third Child. Payments at the birth of the third child

Maternity capital for the third child. Payments at the birth of the third child

To date, many parents are interested in how, to whom and under what conditions is the mother's capital allocated to the third child. In this article, you will learn all the necessary information.

maternity capital for the third child

The concept of "maternity capital"?

Today not all families decide to start a thirdchild. However, those parents who want this, can rely not only on themselves, but also on state aid. The maternity capital for the third child is a single material aid to the family in the amount of 428,409 rubles. You can expect to receive it if you have not received such help before (for a second child).

The peculiarity of such assistance is thatthe possibilities of using it are somewhat limited. Although in the event that you need to repay the loan for the purchase of housing, then you can apply these funds before the baby turns 3 years old. The period of validity of capital is also limited. That is, it can be used until December 31, 2016.

benefits for the birth of a third child

Payout Features

If you want to receive maternity capital onthird child, you need to collect the necessary package of papers. Registration is made in the pension fund. You can file documents at your place of residence or wherever you actually reside. So, you will need:

  1. Application for a certificate.
  2. The birth certificate and all the children of the applicant. If the baby is adopted, then a court decision is needed to confirm this fact.
  3. Passport and a copy of the applicant with marks confirming Russian citizenship.
  4. SNILS (certificate of pension insurance) of the recipient of funds and children.
  5. If the child's parents are foreign nationals, then they must have a document that confirms the child's nationality.
  6. Certificate of marriage or its dissolution.

The maternity capital is formalized on the thirdchild within 1 month from the date of submission of the submitted list of documents. I must say that the funds can be obtained not immediately, but only after reaching the baby 3 years. However, in 2014 the law on the third child underwent some changes. For example, it became possible to receive a certain amount of funds submitted for repayment of a loan taken for the construction or purchase of a house.

third child law

What benefits can parents have for their parents?

Families who decided to have a third child are entitled to certain assistance from the state. In addition to payments, they are entitled to certain benefits:

  • Lifetime provision of land.
  • 50% discount for utilities. If it is not provided, then you can apply for a refund.
  • The possibility of obtaining a certificate for housing with 90%discount from the total cost. In this case, certain conditions must be met. For example, at the time of receipt of the document at least one of the parents must reside in the territory of the Russian Federation for at least 12 years. In addition, the total work experience of both moms and dads is about 10 years.
  • Free provision of prescription drugs for children until they reach adulthood.
  • 50% discount on higher education.
  • Providing children with free health vouchers, hot meals in schools, textbooks, tickets for visiting museums, theaters and other institutions.
  • Also, benefits at the birth of the third child provide for the payment of scholarships in universities, as well as the possibility of obtaining a mortgage for 30 years without a down payment.

payments for the third child

Who can be provided with maternity capital?

The legislation of the Russian Federation allows to grant assistance to such persons:

  • Mother, father or adoptive child, while the recipient must be a subject of the Russian Federation.
  • Guardians of the baby who are not subjectsThe Russian Federation. However, this is permitted only if the mother is deprived of the right to receive capital due to the deprivation of her rights to the child or the commission of any unlawful actions against the child. In addition, the right to receive funds is provided to the guardians, the father or the adoptive parent in the event of the death of the mother.
  • An underage child if his parents were deprived of the right to receive capital.

Features of the use of capital

In some cases, payments for a third childmay not be issued. For example, if the baby died during or soon after delivery. Also, maternal capital is not eligible for those parents whose third child was born before 2007.

payment at the birth of the third child

With regard to the use of funds received, this can be done for this purpose:

  • purchase or construction of housing;
  • education of children;
  • increase in the accumulative pension of the mother.

You can not apply the money to repairapartments, purchase of materials for construction or household appliances, purchase of a car (although these issues are under consideration by the regulatory authorities). In addition, it is not allowed to spend capital on medical treatment, tourist trips, repayment of any debts. And it should be noted that the amount indicated in the certificate is never issued in cash in full.

I must say that to take advantage of the maternalcapital parents have the right only once. That is, if you have already issued a certificate after the birth of a second baby, then you will not receive it again.

Important information

Payments at the birth of the third childare exempt from taxation. To use the received means it is necessary taking into account the common interests of the family. For the money you receive, you can educate all your children. In this case, they must be younger than 25 years.

If the parents have lost the right to receivecertificate, it passes to a child who has not reached the age of 18. It should be noted that the lost document can be quickly restored. To do this, you need to apply to the pension fund.

To receive funds indicated in the certificate,it is necessary to show a passport proving your identity and citizenship. In some regions of the Russian Federation, the list of purposes for which funds are allowed to be spent has been expanded. For example, with this money, parents can purchase a car, spend it on expensive treatment or restore the baby's health. In the near future, the Russian government intends to slightly change the law on the issuance of capital.

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