/ / Children's center "Akvapupsiki", Rostov-on-Don

Children's center "Akvapupsiki", Rostov-on-Don

"Akvapupsiki" (Rostov-on-Don) is a children'sWater club, which provides an individual approach to the parent and child. Here they swim together with a crumb, give him the opportunity to feel the movements of the body in the water and create an excellent base for his future attitude to water. And they also help to feel safe in the water environment, and this baby only adds confidence.

akvapupsi grows on don

About the benefits of swimming

Each mother, waiting for the baby to come into the world,he dreams of being happy, healthy and strong. To make dreams come true, for babies, except for love, care and care, physical development is required. So what can increase and preserve your child's health? Experts in the opinion are unanimous: it is more useful to find nothing than swimming!

Home swimming

It should be noted right away that any crumbs haveability to swim. It is due to the intrauterine development of the baby in a liquid environment, while the birth of the water element for him has remained natural and close, therefore, you can start swimming from the very first days of life crumbs!

 akvapupsiki growth on Don Zhimilov

Experience of the center "Akvapupsiki" (Rostov-on-Don)demonstrates that if the exercises in the bath start without delay and perform them regularly, the baby has active conscious movements with his legs and hands in the fourth month, which helps him to stay on the water himself.

In addition, such exercises accelerate the adaptation toconditions of life on earth. Stimulate the functionality of the cardiovascular system and the central nervous system, facilitate gravity, increase resistance to colds of respiratory organs, strengthen the lungs, strengthen ligaments and joints, develop muscles, activate digestive functions of the digestive tract, metabolism, and affect the skin with hygienic effects. Helps hardening. In addition, it causes positive emotions, good appetite and a cheerful mood.


The program of the center "Akvapupsiki" (Rostov-on-Don,Zhmaylova) is aimed at strengthening and improving the children's organism 1-3 years through playing in the water. It is the game is considered the most suitable form of training the baby.

The training method also takes into account the mental, physiological characteristics of children, contributing to the formation of motor skills.

Swimming lessons

Diving and swimming for children 3-14 years old is notjust the enthusiasm of their parents, this is an important part of the development of the baby physically, the ability to unobtrusively develop and reveal in it the creative potential and character traits. In water, he can get physical safety loads, improve metabolic and respiratory processes, just play and frolic.

akvapupsiki Rostov on Don Dnieper

Children by the age of three become sufficiently independent, can understand, listen and carry out meaningful actions.

The child starts to be interested more and moreother children, which is the great advantage of attending group classes in the center of "Akvapupsiki" (Rostov-on-Don, Dniprovsky). The learning of all the teaching material primarily depends on how interesting and emotionally conducted classes are. In order to maintain motivation, the program includes various exercises with unusual equipment, all kinds of role-playing games, which are accompanied by riddles and poems. Children can also create plots themselves, realizing imagination and creativity. When teaching is necessary to educate the following qualities: courage, purposefulness, endurance, perseverance, willpower, there is an active development of communicative qualities, in addition, kids learn to swim.

For special children

It is known that the development and restoration of functionsThe brain is a process that is repeatedly accelerated in an aqueous suspended environment. In this case, the delay in breathing with a rhythmic, clear immersion of the child is what causes his body to start the mechanism of self-healing, the work of internal organs to push, adapt to the environment previously hostile.

In the center of "Akvapupsiki" (Rostov-on-Don) there are programs for toddlers with the following diagnoses:

  • torticollis;
  • hypertonicity;
  • dysplasia of the hip joints;
  • low weight;
  • valgus, platypodia, varus;
  • anemia, rickets;
  • Cerebral palsy.

Swimming in the center of "Akvapupsiki" (Rostov-on-Don)Is a unique way of correction and prevention of cerebral palsy, since the main task is the normalization and development of movements. The child should remain in a monotonous, static position for a long time, he needs a constant change of postures, extension and flexion of limbs, alternation of tension and relaxation to form the necessary motor sensations in the muscles.

akvapupsiki Rostov on don reviews

"Akvapupsiki" (Rostov-on-Don): reviews

Reading reviews about this center, you can understand thatMore and more young mummies of the city are trying to take their children there. They say that very friendly specialists work here, who love children and work with them. Also, many argue that the classroom is very pleasant, light atmosphere.

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