/ / Where is Tiraspol? Tiraspol, Transnistria: map, photo

Where is Tiraspol? Tiraspol, Transnistria: map, photo

The Dniester is one of the oldest rivers in the NorthernThe Black Sea. Along its left bank lies a narrow strip of land that was previously part of various state formations: the Ottoman Empire, Russia, and Moldavia. The capital of Transnistria is Tiraspol. Where is this city located? What pages of his past and present are interesting for guests and for Tiraspol residents? We will make a virtual tour of the southern city and its environs.

Where is Tiraspol?

The Transnistrian capital is located 106 kmnorth-west of Odessa, on the line connecting the port on the Black Sea coast with Chisinau. Distance to the capital of Moldova, if you use the road, you can overcome in 1 hour (about 80 km along the asphalt road).

tiraspol where is located

The city of Tiraspol resembles a triangle in shape,the south-western part of which extends along the left bank of the river. Dniester. The name, consisting of two Greek words - "Tiras" (the ancient name of the river) and "pol", which means "city", appeared in the times of the Russian Empress Catherine II. According to the memoirs of contemporaries, the queen was a fan of the language of Ancient Hellas.

city ​​of tiraspol

Geographical coordinates of Tiraspol

When they want to clarify the position of the capitalTransdniestria on the map of Europe and Moldova, they usually use the coordinates of the city post office - 46 ° 50 "N and 29 ° 38" in. etc. Here often appoint friends meetings, receive and send telegrams, parcels, learn the postal code of Tiraspol and other information. The city is officially located within the borders of Moldova, yielding to the capital of this republic in terms of population and size of the territory.

postal code of tiraspol

Why is Transnistria called an "unrecognized republic"?

De facto city of Tiraspol -administrative and political, economic and cultural center of the Pridnestrovskaia Moldavskaia Respublika. Residents of the region of the former Moldavian SSR voted in a referendum for the creation of their state education. This happened about a quarter of a century ago, but the results of the plebiscite have not yet been recognized by the international community. Postal code of Tiraspol - MD-3300 is a digital code with the same letter prefix as in other Moldovan settlements. The time difference with Moscow is 1 hour.

History of Tiraspol

The foundation of the city on the Dniester is inextricably linked withevents in Russia in the XVIII-XX centuries. The southern edge of the empire was a kind of "crossroads" for many peoples and religions. This feature was also preserved in modern Tiraspol. Transnistria until the XVIII century, inhabited by Russian Old Believers, Cossacks, Moldovan and Ukrainian peasants. The victories won in the wars with the Ottomans, the conclusion in December 1791 of the Jass Treaty of Peace between Russia and Turkey led to the rapid settlement of Ochakivsky Krai by settlers from Russian provinces, Bulgarian, Armenian, German colonists.

moldova tiraspol

On the territory of this region, which has become the south-westernthe empire of Catherine II ordered Count AV Suvorov to organize the Dniester line of defense and lay the Middle Fortress. Construction of fortifications was conducted in 1792 according to the plan of the French engineer F. De Volan. The first garrison of the fortress under construction was a detachment of 172 Cossacks led by the future hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, Matvei Platov. It was De Volan who invited Count Suvorov to place the Tiraspol fortress opposite the Turkish Bendery fortress, which is on the right bank of the Dniester. Since January 1795, the official name of the city is Tiraspol.

Where is the Middle Fortress?

Traces of historical buildings of the times of AlexanderSuvorov can be found in the western part of the city. On the site of the central plateau of the fortress is located Borodino Square, a monument to the Russian Field Marshal Mikhail I. Kutuzov. The surviving gunpowder and parts of the earthen shaft of the Tiraspol Fortress (Sredinaya) have been restored and opened for tourists. See the layout of the fortification, listen to the story of the erection, the history can be on the territory of the fortress itself or in the Tiraspol Local History Museum.

Why in the name of one of the squares of Tiraspolthe memory of the battle of Borodino perpetuated? Residents call the neighborhood "Borodinka". It's all about Kutuzov's personality, his involvement in the fate of Transnistria and all of Moldavia. In May 1812 the Russian commander signed the Bucharest peace treaty with Turkey. Kutuzov took on the parade a parade of troops garrison of the Tiraspol Fortress and blessed the soldiers to fight with Napoleon. Three regiments, who took part in the battle of Borodino, were later quartered in Bendery and Tiraspol. In the territory of Transnistria since 1792 there are some parts of the Russian army. Now they are represented by a limited contingent of peacekeeping forces.

tiraspol transdniestria

Which monument became a symbol of the city of Tiraspol?

Where is the most recognizablesight of the capital of Transdniestria - equestrian monument to Suvorov? The monument is installed at the base of the square with the same name. This is a small, but well located in the city center space. Usually here excursions begin for guests and tourists visiting Tiraspol. Where is the other symbol - architectural? This Republican Russian Drama Theater, located next to the main building of the main university of Transnistria - the State University. T. Shevchenko. To the south and east are large areas of Tiraspol - Kolkotovaya Balka, Kirovsky village, Middle Farm.

history of tiraspol

What other attractions can be seen in the center of Tiraspol?

If you pass from the monument to Suvorov along the alley, you cansee the main Orthodox cathedral of Transnistria. In the opposite direction from the central square there are other interesting sights:

  • bronze busts of Franz de Volan and Catherine II;
  • beautiful orthodox chapel;
  • T-34 tank, established in honor of the liberation of the city from the fascist occupation (1941-1944);
  • a memorial complex erected in honor of the Transnistrians who perished during the local conflict with Moldova in 1992;
  • Tiraspol united museum;
  • Memorial Museum of the native of Tiraspol ND Zelinsky (Russian and Soviet chemist);
  • the bridge across the river. Dniester.

The embankment and the square of De Volana on the left bank of the river- the most picturesque places of Tiraspol. There are recreation areas, cafes, attractions for children, mooring boats, ferry, kayak station.

areas of tiraspol

25 October Street

The population of Tiraspol in the past and now professesbasically Orthodoxy. Before the revolution of the 1920s, the most important street of the city was called "Pokrovskaya" in honor of the great holiday of the Orthodox Church - the Protection of the Holy Virgin. Tiraspol residents celebrate the Temple Feast and City Day on October 14 (Pokrov Day). Now the central highway of Tiraspol is called the same as in the years of Soviet power, "25 October Street" (the day of the beginning of the armed uprising of the Bolsheviks in Petrograd according to style).

currency in tiraspol

If you go from the railway station, thenturning to the left, you can see the building of the Republican Theater and University. On the street October 25 near the theater in a beautiful building with a clock are the city hall and the Tiraspol Soviet of People's Deputies.

Government and Supreme Council of Transnistriawork in the building, also located on the central street, just above the square. Suvorov. In Tiraspol, they cherish the historical memory of those who built and planted the city. There are national cultural societies: Russian, Ukrainian, Armenian, German, the Union of Moldovans.

Between Tiraspol and Bendery

Almost all over the street. October 25, you can take the trolleybus No. 19 or minibus number 20 and 10 minutes drive to the second largest city of Transnistria - Bender. This is already the right bank of the Dniester, but the territory of Transnistria, not Moldova (Republic of Moldova). Tiraspol on the western outskirts is decorated with a large sports complex with several football stadiums, as well as a swimming pool, tennis courts. Further the path runs through the ancient Bulgarian village of Parkany.

Another ancient fortress on the gray bank of the Dniester

On the outskirts of the city of Bendery there is a monumentMiddle Ages - an ancient fortress. It began construction on the orders of the Turkish Sultan Bayazet II in 1484, and in 1538 Suleiman the Magnificent ordered to expand the fortifications considerably. The citadel or inner castle is open to tourists, in the powder cellar one of the most interesting museums of Transnistria works.

Tiraspol population

Tour guides are happy to tell everyone,who are interested in the past of the region, about events and personalities whose names are connected with the history of Tiraspol and the whole of Transnistria. For example, the outstanding Russian commander of the Patriotic War of 1812, P. H. Wittgenstein lived in the estate Kamenka (170 km from the capital of Transnistria). In honor of the Count Tiraspol factory "Quint" produced cognac "Wittgenstein".

Infrastructure of Tiraspol

The population of the city is 150 thousandhuman. The traffic of public transport is well established, trolleybuses, minibuses are running. Payment for travel is made in Transnistrian rubles. It is its own currency in Tiraspol and in the whole unrecognized republic. Almost all indexes, plaques with street names are in Russian. Signs on state institutions are translated into three official languages ​​- Moldovan, Ukrainian and Russian.

In Tiraspol, in addition to the enterprise thattrade mark "Quint" produces wine-cognac products, cotton association "Tirotex", machine-building and other factories work. In the Transnistrian capital there are many young people, students studying at the university, branches of Russian higher educational institutions, colleges. The largest concert venue and institution of culture is the Palace of the Republic. Not far from the central square is the popular in the youth cinema-concert complex "Tiraspol".

map of tiraspol

The green outfit of the city is the Botanical Garden onthe territory of the research institute, urban parks, alleys and squares. On the boulevard Gagarin near the buildings of the Transnistrian State University there is a bust of the first cosmonaut. Park "Victory" is a favorite place for rest of Tiraspol, a place for fairs and other mass entertainment.

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