/ / Parts of speech: general morphological signs of significant and auxiliary words.

Parts of speech: general morphological signs of significant and auxiliary words.

Every word in Russian refers toany part of speech. All of them are grouped according to certain morphological features and common grammatical meanings. By grammatical meaning we mean a generalized characteristic of a word, which is only indirectly related to its lexical interpretation. For example, all nouns are similar in that they have the meaning of objectness, and numerals denote the number or order in the count.

parts of speech
Separate independent (they are otherwise called significant) and service parts of speech.
Significant, in contrast to official, there is, in addition to the generalized meaning, its own lexical.
Simply put, the meaning of such a lexical unitis usually understandable outside the sentence. Even if we are talking about homonyms or polysemantic lexical units, a certain image appears in the mind of the reader who read or heard the significant word.

Independent parts of speech are callednouns and adjectives, as well as pronouns and, of course, numerals. To them adjoin verbs (participles, gerunds) and adverbs, and some scientists add to this category the category of state.

Service words are semantically dependent, their task is to express the relationship between words in sentences and phrases. These include alliances, particles and prepositions.

nominal parts of speech
At the Russian language lessons, as well as in the examinationsworks students produce a morphological analysis of all parts of speech. To properly perform these tasks, you need to know both the generalized meaning of each group of words, and a number of permanent (necessarily present) and non-permanent features.

Consider their common morphological features.

Nominal parts of speech and communion, for example, are inclined, that is, they are subjected to a word-change word. Also for them are the categories of gender and numbers:

The majority of people (n. 2 slopes in Rn, pl.) Prefer to take a vacation in the first (number of ordinal, in Pn, mr, singular) month of summer.

All verbs refer to one of the conjugations. The constant signs of the words denoting an action are the appearance and transitivity. Inclination, time, gender, face and number of verbs are not always, but only in some forms. For example, a person can not be determined in the past tense, and the category of time itself is only in the indicative mood:

Began (verb sov.v., rev., Nepereh., 1 c., In the indicative mood, prod.drev., Un.ch., zh.r.) Thunderstorm.

Adverb and adverb part do not change at all. Adverb has a value by value and, if formed from a qualitative adjective, the degree of comparison. The verbal participates in the verbal participle: appearance, transitivity and recurrence:

Standing (decept., Unm., Nesov.v., Nepereh., Nevozvr.) Near the window, I carefully (nar, unchanging, way of doing) looked at passers-by.

In the morphological analysis of the service parts, they are indicated by their unchangeability, as well as by rank by value (particles, conjunctions) and by origin (prepositions):

The tree did not grow (a particle, otrits.) In (preposition, unprofessional) vegetable garden, but (union, so., Against.,) Further.

morphological analysis of all parts of speech
In conclusion, it should be noted that rigorous morphological analysis involves the definition of the syntactic role of a word in a sentence, which is also derived from grammatical meaning.

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