Overseas ... And who or what can be overseas?
If you approach an occasional person on the street andask "Who or what can be overseas?" - the answers will be the most diverse - from the "overseas guest" to "caviar overseas, eggplant." Let's analyze the most popular options for answering the question posed.
Why overseas?
It is quite obvious that the word "overseas" isoriginally Russian in origin, and the selection of the root in it is not difficult. Any native speaker, not even the most literate, just looking at this word will understand that the overseas is something because of the sea, that is, from another country, only the idea of who or what may be overseas will differ. In general, the word "overseas" can be divided into three main values:
- brought, arrived from abroad, overseas;
- overseas, foreign, foreign;
- unprecedented, strange.
Who or what can be overseas?
So, as shown by the survey data, most often overseas is caviar. The eggplant. And this answer, no doubt, inspired by the famous feature film "Ivan Vasilievich changes his profession."
The next most popular answer is the overseas miracle, in fact - absolutely any curiosity brought from abroad, has all the rights to call miraculous overseas.
Under the phrase "overseas fish" should be understood as a special species, which is found only in a particular country, and a special way of cooking fish, peculiar to any national cuisine.
Slightly lower in the list of the most popular answers tothe question "Who or what can be overseas?" is the overseas region, and the rarity of its use is largely due to the fact that this word has supplanted the more convenient in use word "abroad".
In fifth place is the overseas prince, hesame bridegroom from abroad, but since the princes - a single phenomenon, the answer is by no means the most popular. And just below there is an overseas visitor, who is rarely remembered, but which is so often found in literary works, especially in children's tales.