/ / Population of Barnaul: numerical strength, employment

Population of Barnaul: numerical strength, employment

Administrative center of the Altai Territory, cityBarnaul, is on the 21st line of the rating of Russian cities. The main criterion for evaluation is the number of local residents. So, according to the last census, held in 2016, the population of Barnaul is 635 585 people.

Population of Barnaul

Main factors

Today in Barnaul there is a strand30% of Altai Territory. As in most other cities in the country, the population of Barnaul is mostly composed of women (55% of women and 45% of men). But recently there has been a reverse trend. If we evaluate the age and sex structure, the predominance of the male population over the female population before the age of 9 is observed. Indeed, according to the registry office in Barnaul the last few years are born exactly boys. If the trend continues, in the near future it will be possible to achieve a balance between women and men.

National composition

The population of Barnaul is 90% Russian. Many are genuinely surprised that 4.8% are Germans, 2.9% are Ukrainians, 2.3% are other nationalities.

Touching on the topic of religion, I want to note thatthe population of Barnaul is predominantly Orthodox Christians. Based on the national composition, we can assume that there are Catholics, as well as professing Islam. In the city, everyone's religion is respected, conflicts on the basis of national hostility and religious beliefs practically do not take place.

Employment of the population of Barnaul


The population of Barnaul can be completely calmcall able-bodied, active, because about 70% of citizens are of working age. The unemployment rate is only 0.7%, which is an excellent indicator for the present. Local authorities are taking active measures to provide local residents with jobs, and the city's enterprises with qualified personnel. Of course, such an indicator as the employment of the population is of great importance. Barnaul is an industrial city. Woodworking enterprises are concentrated here, pulp and paper products, rubber products, vehicles, industrial equipment are open. In recent years, growth has been recorded in the textile, clothing and chemical industries. There is nothing strange and surprising that about 13% of the population is employed in industry. Many are engaged in business, work in the service sector.

Barnaul is a large and developed city of the Altai Territory, an industrial center of the region with qualified personnel.

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