Metro SPb: development plan until 2028
Together with megacities, their transport system is developing rapidly. Metro St. Petersburg is no exception. Let's see how it is planned to expand and modify in the coming decades.
General plans for the development of the St. Petersburg metro by 2020
The plan for the development of the metropolitan of the northern capital is fixed in a document that came into force in 2011 - in the program "Development of the transport system of St. Petersburg." By 2020, it is planned:
- An increase in the total length of the lines to 139.4 km.
- Opening of 13 new stations.
- Launch of two new electrodepos.
To implement the plan was allocated145.785 billion rubles (12.1 billion of which were received from the federal budget). Contracts have already been concluded for the opening of the following St Petersburg metro stations and depots:
- By 2018: "Running", "Danube", "Novokrestovskaya", "Prospect of Glory", "Shushary", depot "Yuzhnoye."
- By 2019: the Mining Institute.
- By 2022: Putilovskaya, Yugo-Zapadnaya, Teatralnaya (the latter - for the time being, without any surface exits, which will be made later), Krasnoselskoe depot.
Now consider in more detail the development plans for the St. Petersburg metro.
The metro of the city in 2017-2022. will be modified as follows:
- The second stage of Frunzensky radius will open - the station "Danube", "Shushary", "Prospect of Glory".
- Primorsky radius of the St. Petersburg metro will last from "Komendantsky Prospekt" to "Shuvalovsky Prospekt".
- Nevsko-Vassilevskaya line will be longer - after "Primorskaya" they will build "Novokrestovskaya", then "Begovaya", and the final one will be "Planernaya".
- The opening of the Pravoberezhnaya line of the metro station SPb - station "Spasskaya", "Teatralnaya", "Mining Institute" is expected.
- The first stage of the Krasnoselsko-Kalininsky direction will be represented by the stations of "South-West" and "Karetnaya".
In addition to the stations mentioned, it is planned to open a depot "Yuzhnoe" (Frunze radius) and "Krasnoselskoe" (Krasnoselsko-Kalininskaya line).
The plan for the development of the St. Petersburg metro for this period is as follows:
- The right-bank line will last from "Dybenko Street" to "Kudrovo". Together with this there will be a further possibility of its extension to the "Southeast".
- The section of the metro ring "Mining Institute" - "Lesnaya" will be launched.
- The opening of the Krasnoselsko-Kalinin direction "Karetnaya" - "Ruchyev" is expected.
- Kirov-Vyborg line after the "Prospekt"Veterans "will grow stations" Street Soldier Korzun "and" Prospect Marshal Zhukov. "It is also planned to open a forklift in this direction along the route" Prospect Veterans "-" Ulyanka "-" Pulkovo ".
The plan for the development of the St. Petersburg metro in this period also implies the opening of the "Ladozhskoye" depot of the Right-bank area.
Development after 2028
Plans for a more distant future are as follows:
- On the Right Bank direction, the "Mining Institute" - "Yuntolovo" site will be opened.
- The ring line clockwise will grow in the east from "Forest" to "Mining Institute".
- Opens Admiralteisko-Okhtinskaya line on the "Dvinskaya" - "Yanino".
- On the Frunzensko-Primorsky direction, after Shuvalovsky Prospekt, another metro station of St. Petersburg - "Kolomyazhskaya" - will appear.
- A new site of the Krasnoselsko-Kalininskaya branch will be launched - "Yugo-Zapadnaya" - "Sosnovaya Polyana".
- On the Nevsko-Vasilievsky branch of the St. Petersburg metro will appeartwo new stations - Admiralteyskaya-2 (between Gostiny Dvor and Vasileostrovskaya) and Khrustalnaya (between Elizarovskaya and Alexander Nevsky Square).
The following electrodes will also be open: "Yanino" and "Dvinskoye" in the Admiralty-Okhtinsky direction, "Kolomyazhskoye" in the Frunzensko-Primorsky, "Yuntolovo" on the Right Bank, "Pine Glade" in Krasnoselsko-Kalinin.
Plan for the development of the metro station SPb 2014 and subsequentyears promises bright prospects for the people of Leningrad. The metropolitan of the city will be more branched and convenient, with its help it will be possible to get to the remote and just-built areas of St. Petersburg.