/ / Cream for allergies as a remedy

Cream for allergy as a remedy

A cream from an allergy is an excellent agent for those,in whom the dermal form of this disease, that is, spreads on the skin of a person. His task is to prevent the process of complication and spread of an allergic reaction.

Any type of allergy manifests itself most often insick person on the skin. An example of the manifestation of the disease can serve as a rash, papules, blisters, flushing or erosive wounds. Such symptoms of an allergic reaction spread rather quickly, therefore they must be immediately eliminated. Basically, remedies such as allergy cream, ointments or special solutions help to remove itching and swelling. In doing so, they relieve unpleasant sensations on the skin.

Cream for face allergies
A cream from an allergy, a gel or ointment is a remedyfor external use, which contain corticosteroids. Even though such improvised drugs can cause addiction or a secondary allergic reaction, they are the most effective methods to combat this disease. Corticosteroid creams and ointments are divided into fluorinated (containing fluoride), and non-fluorinated, respectively. With the rapid development of the inflammatory process on the skin, it is recommended to use fluorinated products, since they are very effective in this regard. But they also have a number of shortcomings. Therefore, such a cream for allergies can not be applied to the face and apply for more than one week. To avoid unpleasant side effects, you should follow these instructions strictly.

Cream for allergies on the face can be usedOnly if it contains non-fluorinated corticosteroids. They have a much softer and gentle effect on the skin, but, nevertheless, are also quite effective. You can apply this cream on your face within two weeks, and on other skin areas - up to one month. Cortico-containing creams and ointments are prescribed only by a doctor. And self-treatment with such a means represents a huge risk to the body. It is also important to make a preliminary test on the skin to prevent the possibility of complicating the allergic reaction. Such a test is usually done on the inside of the forearm. In addition, when changing the cream from allergies, it is also important to take into account the characteristics of the skin, its characteristics.

Cream for allergies
And what about our very small and defenselessrepresentatives of humanity? After all, the skin of babies is much more gentle than that of adults. Accordingly, it often manifests the symptoms of an allergic reaction.

Currently, there are hormonal andnonhormonal creams and ointments for children. Such drugs are very effective, but they should be used very carefully. For example, non-hormonal drugs can be used from an early age, and for hormonal drugs - there are limitations.

Cream for allergies for children helps to removea child's redness, cleanse the skin of various rashes, and restore her a healthy appearance. Do not forget about the fact that it is necessary to apply such cream on the skin of a baby in small amounts. And it is best to use the drug under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Cream for allergies for children
In the end, it should be noted only that thisThe article is an introductory article. She by no means becomes a guide for the treatment of allergies. Most of the drugs used for treatment have contraindications and side effects (such as addiction or post-surgery). Therefore, before applying them to yourself, be sure to consult a doctor!

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