/ / Antifungal nail polish - an effective treatment for onychomycosis

Antifungal nail polish - an effective treatment for onychomycosis

The defeat of nail plates in medicine is calledonychomycosis. Before the day, how to consider in detail one of the effective ways to treat this disease, when applied nail polish, we pay little attention to the clinic of the disease, which in recent decades has taken a very common form.

The cause of onychomycosis are fungal bacteriavarious types, such as: dermatophytes, yeast-like or moldy. Nail plates on the legs are affected by dermatophytes, which begin their pernicious actions from the free edges of the nails, gradually moving to the feet, brushes, etc.

The form of nail damage can be different. Distinguish normotraficheskoe fungal disease, when the configuration of the nails is preserved in its original form, but they fade, acquire a yellowish unhealthy hue, thickens at the edges. Another type of fungal disease - hypertrophic, is accompanied by defeat and thickening of the entire nail, loosens the plate, changes color to dirty gray. Atrophic fungal damage destroys the nail plate and leads to partial exposure of the nail bed. And, finally, onycholysis, which ends with an exfoliation of the nails.

All these fungal diseases of todaymedicine are successfully treated. In addition to medicines for directional exposure, the varnish for the treatment of fungi is often prescribed to patients. This remedy is easily applicable and has few contraindications.

The most famous antifungal nail polish -batrafen. The effectiveness of its action is due to the high content of cyclopyrox in the formulation, which causes an irreversible impact on the types of fungal microbes that have been characterized above.

Varnish against nail fungus is the bestthe invention of modern medicine, which has a great advantage over ointments, creams, various gels and solutions, as well as aerosols and powders. Batrafen is well fixed on the nail plate, dries quickly and lasts for a long time. At the same time, its high safety in local application has been proved. For batrafen, which contains up to 8% of the cyclopyrox, bandages or patches that prevent penetration of the beneficial substance when using other antifungal agents are not needed.

And the following properties, which have a varnish for the treatment of fungus, make it to date one of the most optimal drugs in the fight against onychomycosis of the nails.

First, the 8-percent content of the cyclopyrox acts on the fungus with a damaging force that does not allow the recurrence of the disease.

Secondly, batrafen easily penetrates into the nail tissue and has the ability to accumulate and remain under it for a long time.

Thirdly, the antifungal nail polish is perfectly fixed on the affected area of ​​the nail, without touching the nearby tissue areas.

Fourth, medical science does not yet know a more effective drug in the fight against the pathogens of this infection.

And fifthly, the batrafen is easy, simple and convenient inapplication. It is important that it can be used unnoticed by others and cover the affected nails with decorative cosmetic varnish. The antifungal nail polish dries out, literally, in the eyes - for 35-40 seconds and the action of the cyclopyrox begins immediately as soon as the solvent evaporates from the treated surface. Its content increases fivefold, the concentration of the drug increases and the lag penetrates through the affected areas and reaches the sites of the accumulation of pathogens of onychomycosis in just two days. So the process of recovery begins immediately, as soon as a petrafen is lubricated with a sick nail.

This antifungal nail polish gives a guaranteed disposal of fungi in 80 cases out of a hundred.

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