/ / How in "Maynkraft" to make the command block accessible in any mode?

How in "Maynkraft" to make the command block accessible in any mode?

The command block is the thing about whichwe heard almost everything, many saw it in action, and someone even took a direct part in the activation. However, getting it yourself is almost impossible - the fact is that he does not have a prescription. Accordingly, the command block can not be scrambled. And if you are asked about how to make a command block in Maynkraft, you can safely answer that it will not work. However, this does not mean that it can not be procured in other ways, which will be described later. You will recognize four teams that add command blocks to the world, but each of them does it their own way. All of them are united by the fact that they are not legal, that is, you have to enter them with the cheating mode turned on. The command block is only the server administrator's unit, all other users can not own it.

Calling blocks into inventory
how to make a command block in maincraft

The most common way of how to"Maincraft" make the command block accessible is the use of the give command, which specifies the specific parameters. To get started you will need to specify exactly who will be given blocks - can be chosen as your nickname, and the nickname of any other member server. Then followed by the words - minecraft: command_block, from which the game understands that giving to the player himself it is necessary to command units. Well, after that, it's up to the small thing - to enter the number of blocks that you would like to receive or give. This command is often used by server administrators to get a specific number of command blocks, and then use them in the game world. But how in "Maynkraft" to make the command block accessible by other methods?

Turning blocks

minecraft how to make a command block

If you do not want to call the blocks yourself ininventory and are looking for other methods of how to make the command block accessible in Maynkraft, you can use a completely different team. She does not call the necessary object into the inventory - she turns any unit into a team unit. It works like this: first you need to enter the setblock command and specify the coordinates in the space of the block that you want to turn into a command block. Well, then you need to enter the clarification you already know, so that the game understands that the chosen block needs to be transformed into a command block, and not some other one. Many complain that this command is difficult to apply, since it is impossible to accurately calculate the coordinates of the subject. In fact, you do not need to do this. Choose the block that you want to turn, press the useful key F3 - and before you on the screen will appear the exact coordinates of the block on all three axes. Now you can precisely select and change blocks in Minecraft. How to make the command block accessible, without affecting others? There is also an answer to this question.

Calling the block in place

how to make a command block

This command is a bit more complicated than the previous one, butallows to answer the same difficult question of the game "Maynkraft": "How to make the command block accessible?" This time, you will call the block at a specific point on the map, without changing other objects. To do this, you need to use the Summon command, for which you need to specify the abstract goal of the Item, and then again the coordinates in space. After that, you need to specify in curly brackets what exactly is Item - use the id classifier to refine, as in the previous times, but this time you need to set Count: 1, that is, only one block will be called.

A way for the lazy

If you do not want to understand alldetails and complexities of these commands, you can simply add command blocks to the world using the Give 137 combination, after which you need to specify the exact number of blocks that you would like to generate. This is a quick, but absolutely uncontrolled way.

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